OMG THAT"S AMAZING. My goal for today was to reply to a topic with an over the top level of excitement.
Seriously, such a detailed list is great. Good luck on traveling that road to Glory.
OMG THAT"S AMAZING. My goal for today was to reply to a topic with an over the top level of excitement.
Seriously, such a detailed list is great. Good luck on traveling that road to Glory.
Great start to your learning log Jeff. I’ve watched a few of your videos over time, and your playing is definitely good! So the time you’ve invested over the years has paid off for sure.
Will be good to see you in a JG open mic one day.
Great start to your LL, Jeff! Really interesting read and what a list of covers you’ve done already! Can’t wait to see/hear more (and maybe some originals?!)!
Cheers all. I had posted a few songs on Soundcloud before I got into video recording. I’ve now made videos for all those songs, from Anarchy up until Brown Sugar. They’re in the songbook for anyone interested.
I like your Songbook! Lots of good stuff in there. You seem on track for success. I don’t think I every really thought about any goals other than to not sound like crap.
Maybe I need to make my learning log title more pretentious. Nah, not till I can play better!
Pretentious as in “LunaRocket’s Amazing Adventures in her Journey to Stardom”, maybe?
It’s Pretentious if nothing else!!!
Mine would be something like… Catman’s nightly roaming down the alley of Musical Theatre” or some such!
Just funnin’!!!
Jeff, cool Songbook & a very well organized Learning Log! I like your Strengths/Weaknesses & Goals sections! Nice!!!
Not doing well so far. My back has been killing me for over two weeks now and it’s gotten to the point where I can barely hold the guitar.
It’s my own fault because I know that I have a bad posture, both at work and when playing the guitar. Being aware of it is one thing, doing something about it is another. I’m thinking about adding some kind of posture exercises to my practice, but I’m not sure how that would work out.
It’s not all woes though. The good news is that I’ve finally found the time (and courage) to take a singing course. Chris Liepe’s Discover My Voice course has been mentioned a few times around here so I decided to try that one. It’s been fun so far, making funny and embarrassing noises in the safe haven of my car. I’ve even come to believe I’m not that hopeless as I thought I was.
Hoping to share more positive vibes in a week or two!
Hope you get a bit of relief soon mate Back problens are just shite. So is not being able to play guitar. I can never play as long as I want to anymore. I sometimes where one of those velcro braces which seems to help a bit.
All the best.
Cheers, Shane
Sorry to hear about your back issues, this is a real pain. Fingers crossed for you that it’ss get better soon and you find a way to avoid this in future. What helps me on this point is standing up in between the practice session and play a little standing straight, but here’s no ‘one size fits all’ solution, I fear. Exercises sound like a good plan though. All the best for you!
Great you checked out ‘Discover your voice’ and having fun. I also like Chris’ course and enjoy how it helps improving without creating any pressure to sound nice, in contrast, you have to sound a little awkward, to get any better. Love the comic characters practice - my significant other not that much.
So good luck and lots of fun on this journey. Looking forward to hear you play and sing some day!
It’s been three months since I started this LL, time for a first update.
I’m making small but important steps towards reaching my goals.
Write an original song
This is coming along pretty well. I’ve been working on two songs. The first one will be a mellow ballad, the other one a rock/metal song. What I have are a few ideas that need to be glued together. They’re nowhere near finished, but I’ll share the WIP soon.
Learn to sing and play the guitar
I’m having fun with Chris Liepe’s Discover Your Voice course. I feel I’m getting better at the vocal exercises, and I think I’ve got a pretty good definition of my comfortable range. Now I’m making a repertoire of songs that allow me to apply everything I’ve learned thus far. I want to be able to sing and play at the same time, so the songs will need to be relatively easy, or stripped down so I can play them on autopilot.
Perform at a JustinGuitar open mic
As soon as I can play and sing my way through a tune I’ll throw my hat into the ring. Maybe.
Play in a band
There’s nothing that I want more. I’ve been hunting the web for ads but no match yet. Too far, not my style, etc. I’ve spoken to some people who are in a band to see if they can help me or know someone who can, but nothing has popped up yet.
Other stuff
I started practicing either standing or sitting on a proper stool and that has definitely helped maintaining good posture and relieving the back pain that I suffered from. So stupid I didn’t try it earlier.
Lately I’ve been listening to some country music. Mainstream country I guess, Chris Stapleton, Blake Shelton, Luke Bryan mostly. It’s a style I’d like to learn so I’m spending some time on the major pentatonic which I have always ignored. I really like it, maybe because it’s so different from what I usually play. It feels fresh and exciting.
That’s it for now. I wish you all a great 2024 with lots of guitar fun!
Learn to sing and play the guitar
This has been the major focus area for the past couple of months. If I could pick just one goal that I’m going to achieve, it would be this one. There are a few songs that I’m working on, mainly in the pop, country and (soft) rock genres.
I’m really taking my time to properly analyze the song and learn the melody by ear. I have little trouble singing the melody by heart, but I find that knowing the notes and intervals is an invaluable asset when trying out keys at the edge of my vocal range.
I doubt many of these songs will be AVOYP material, but who knows. I wasn’t planning to release this Shania Twain cover either. It’s just a song that I started singing along with in the car and it started growing on me. I agree it’s quite different from the songs I’ve done before, but sometimes you have to broaden your horizons.
Feeling major
Speaking of broadening my horizons, I’ve taken a completely different path in my guitar journey. I felt I needed something new and exciting, so I started looking into the major pentatonic scale.
As mentioned in my previous update, I started listening to country music, a genre that doesn’t get a lot of airplay around here. I discovered many country bands and subgenres already and I’m really digging it. I’ve only touched the surface of different country guitar techniques (travis/hybrid/chicken picking, double stops, major pentatonic licks, …), but it’s such a rabbit hole.
The more I practice the major pentatonic scale, the more I’m liking it. It’s really taking my playing to another level, because it’s kind of forcing me to make the changes, unlike the minor pentatonic.
What works for me is learning one lick per week and getting the most out of it. What notes does it use? Where are the bends? Can it be transferred to different patterns or registers/octaves? Can I combine it with licks that I already know? Really good stuff.
I made two new purchases that I think are justifiable.
The first one is the DigiTech Trio+ Band Creator / Looper. I long thought it was a bit of a gimmick, but I was wrong. It’s actually pretty cool to play with. I’ve set up a few country progressions with the I, IV and V chords and I’m improvising and practicing licks with a band in no time.
The second one is a Fender Player Plus Telecaster. I never had a Tele before but it’s becoming my favorite. It’s suited for country twang, blues, rock & roll, and many other things. I’m even considering selling my Strat which I rarely use anymore.
Other stuff
To conclude, a little side story. My oldest daughter, who is now 5 years old, has started showing some interest in the guitar. The other day she told me she learned Frère Jacques at school and asked me to play it for her. I just started on a random note and played the melody by ear in one go, without any mistakes. It’s amazing what our ears can do. You should’ve seen the smile on our faces. It’s the small things that make you happy.
That’s it for now. Back to practicing.
Hahahaha!! Love it
A cool read Jeff… totaly agree with you on broaden youre horizon…
if you are just getting into country, and starting to like it… i would highly reccomend you too give the official Yellowstone playlist a go. It is several hours long. There is tons of music and artists you have not heard about before. But it is brilliant music. Mainly country that crosses over to all direction… blues,rock etc…
That TV show has almost becomed a springboard for unknown artists to reach out and getting playtime…
Great update Jeff and a good read.
Keen to see what you do with the Major pentatonic, as I’ve always liked your playing style. I too have taken a great liking to the Major pentatonic. Really helps expand my palette.
Cheers, Shane
I love the title of your learning log. Go ! Go ! GO !
TL;DR - I joined a band. Another goal to tick off. Hooray for me.
After so many years, I finally managed to move from playing in the bedroom to performing with others.
Through a job ad, I got in touch with some well-experienced musicians who wanted to give me a chance. They gave me a few days to practice about five songs from their repertoire and come for an audition. I won’t lie about it, I was quite nervous even though the songs were within my capabilities. Playing along when no one is watching is one thing, but how would that translate in a band setting?
Before the audition, we had a nice chat which reassured me a bit. But then we kicked off the first song and I was immediately intimidated. The mere fact that you play much (much!) louder is hugely different because it accentuates your flaws. Also, interacting with other people and being just part of the mix is totally unlike practicing with a backing track. Sounds logical, but I wasn’t prepared for it.
By the time I had regained my composure, the audition was over. Thankfully, they liked it well enough and we decided to continue rehearsing together. We have now had three rehearsals and we’re looking forward to our first gig. That could be as early as after the summer, if all goes well. Another thing to stress about.
Our band counts seven people by now - a drummer, a bass player, two guitarists, a synth player and two singers. We’re now looking for brass players / a saxophonist as well.
We already have a diverse repertoire: funk (Wild Cherry, James Brown, …), blues (Joe Bonamassa, Beth Hart, Robert Cray), soul (Amy Winehouse, Duffy) and hard rock / rock & roll (Ike & Tina Turner, ZZ Top, …). It’s definitely a challenge, but I’m really excited about what’s to come.
Congratulations! Playing in front of others the first time is very daunting. However, as you have found, the more experience players always help you along. You will love playing in front of your first live audience. The first song will be the hardest, after that it’s one of the best buzzes you can get legally!
I used to fly an aircraft that I had built. Gigging gives me the same buzz.
“Hooray” for you!! Thank you for sharing your experience getting into the band. I look forward to hearing about your experience as the band develops and you get to your first gig.
It is my goal to venture out from the safety of my room to play with others. I appreciate hearing about the experience that you, and others in the forum, share about making this step.
Congratulations, Jeff! That’s great news and I’m happy for you!
You can be so proud on yourself for stepping out of your bedroom to play in front and especially WITH others. It’s so much of a difference and even though we all are aware of that, we cannot truly prepare for that step. It will accelerate your musicianship a lot, I’m sure. And it will be sooo much fun.
Hopefully, you will share a little more of that journey with us here. It’s always interesting to see how others develop and seeing people making music is always reciprocating the joy - at least for me.
So keep my fingers crossed for your and your band to find some good gigs in the future and see, where this journey will lead you!
Super cool, Jeff!! Well done on conquering your nerves and getting stuck in! It must’ve felt very intimidating playing with seasoned musicians!
But you have amazing chops mate, you’ll be awesome I’m sure!
Can’t wait to hear more about how you find the experience of being in a band and especially your first gig!! All the best mate! Have a blast!