Jess - Aussie chica in London, back at guitar after a long break

Hi all,
I’m Jess from Australia, residing in London for the next year.

I came across Justin’s YouTube channel probably 10 years ago when I first picked up a guitar…when he used to sign off each video with a snippet of a Tazmanian Devil!

Since then I’ve been on and off playing (more off than on) but recently felt the itch to pick it up again so I found a cheap secondhand acoustic and now I’m starting back at Justin’s wonderful resources.

I’m super impressed to see how far he and his team have come in building out this site, the learning resources, and the community. Speaking as a learning experience designer, I can safely say it’s brilliant!

For the most part I have learned guitar in a fairly siloed and private way but I’d always lose momentum eventually. As the saying goes I think doing it together gets you further, not to mention it’s far more fun. So, here I am!

Feel free say hi and if you happen to be in London, perhaps we can arrange a coffee meet up even :slight_smile:

Thanks for reading, take care and enjoy your guitar learning, folks!


Hi Jess and welcome to the Community.

If you are restarting and have already seen how much the website and the learning path has changed and improved, it would be worth your while starting with Grade 1 lesson 1.
Why ? It will cement the knowledge and techniques you already have but you will also be able to identify bad habits, easily picked up through self learning I had loads before finding Justin a decade back. Also if you ever did any of the old Beginner Course there is now a shed load of new material and teaching methods.

This will also help you find your current playing level and allow you start building from there in Justin’s structured fashion.

Whatever you do, enjoy the ride !



Hi Jess,

Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

SSSst about that Devil ,Our cat was shocked every day when she heard it screeching :flushed: :grin:
Very occasionally when I watch old videos again it happens and even on TV with nature documentaries she reacts shocked I see (but I like them a lot :smiley:)

Greetings ,Rogier

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Thank you Toby! Will take a look at the level one resources again!

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Ha! Your poor cat! I was also shocked the first time I heard it!

Thanks Roger, it’s nice to meet you :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the forum Jess

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Welcome to the community Jess!

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Welcome to the community, Jess! :smiley:

Glad the guitar-itch bit you back and you picked up playing again. I wish you loads of fun on the journey! :slight_smile:

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Hi Jess, welcome to the community forum. I second @TheMadman_tobyjenner Toby’s suggestion. I had a few years of guitar experience spread over 40+ years, but I also started at Grade 1 to unlearn bad habits. I even repeated last year to brush up on my strumming. If you have experience designing for learning, you will appreciate much of the new information Justin has added, especially the new Grade 3 where Justin spends a lot of time explaining how to learn guitar and his best practices of learning (hint: look at the first video in each of the 8 modules in Grade 3). Have fun getting back into playing the guitar.


Hi Jess,

Welcome to the community forum. :grinning:

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Hey Jess, welcome to the forum from another Aussie who has spent time overseas. Don’t lose your accent like Justin :wink:

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Thanks @rustneversleeps!

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Welcome aboard Jess!!

As someone who also remembers the Tasman Devil endings it’s nice to have a fellow long timer back in the fold.

I was also blown away when I came back to the site after being away for a full five or so years!!

It’s great to see how Justin Girar has evolved and continues to do so.

As he alludes to via a Bill Hicks clip in one of his Food For Thought snippets: It’s ALL just a ride!

Enjoy the ride!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: