JG Weekly Update | 06-17-2022

Hey, Community! :slight_smile:

Laryne here again; I hope this message finds you pretty well.

Have y’all noticed? We’re now able to create topics and categories again every time Justin releases a new lesson! We went ahead, and created topics for all the latest content released, including Grade 3. Can’t wait to see everyone using them!

Not a lot more to report this week. We’re wrapping up some tasks, but a bit slower than usual due to some vacations and holidays. Justin keeps working hard to plan new Grade 3 modules and get ahead of his song tutorial releases - he’s been putting some special effort into more Neil Young lessons for y’all.

For those of you who have a PRO subscription to the JustinGuitar Lessons & Songs app, don’t miss out on Musopia’s latest campaign this Saturday! They’re giving away a brand new acoustic guitar, an Ibanez, to ONE lucky subscriber! If you’re eligible, open your app - a message will pop up for you to enter the draw!

Yeah, that’s about it! I’m going away for a couple of weeks now, but Fan will be back with our weekly updates. :slight_smile:

Big thank you to all of you who are always supporting JustinGuitar. It means a lot to us!

Laryne & Team


Hi Laryne,
Well well, a few more weeks, have fun and enjoy for a while without all those questions that are fired at you… :grin::sunglasses: :sunflower: :dolphin: :palm_tree: :tropical_drink:

Have a great holiday Laryne, see you on the flipside.:sunglasses:

Happy holiday Laryne :smiling_face:

Thanks Laryne.
Enjoy your holiday.
See you seen.

Thanks for the update, Laryne!

How could I not :rofl:

Now I shall forgive you, since you were wrapping up to-do items before a well-deserved vacation, but I did miss your usual photograph or musical meme :smile:

Enjoy the vacation!

Better one guitar in your hand than 10 in your suitcases…

Okay, actually more of a bad degeneracy of something with birds, (But it happens to a greater or lesser extent all too often) …but I hope you’re a bit satisfied with this… :roll_eyes: :grin:
Greetings from a verry hot Holland :sweat_smile:

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