JGC Open Mic XIV / 14 Call For Interest

Reading this post Virtual Jam Buddy - #5 by Majik I found interesting the idea @Majik says they were using for organizing virtual meetings. an it is having a shared Google Calendar. This would be feasible for us? It will help to people for not being confused on when the show will start. And which is the time for performer applications


Not sure how that would dovetail with Zoom, as those virtual were using Google Hangout/Meet. Maybe worth looking at but I create a table in Excel which takes seconds to adjust the time zones, in all honesty. Also seeing the spread of time zones allows us to decide which geographical area to prioritise, for example this time being EMEA/US. So I would still need to have folk’s, especially performers, UTC to assess that.



In the list Darren. Will be mailing audience members later today. :+1:

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It shouldn’t matter. You can just as easily put the Zoom link into the calendar. Or just have it as a calendar placeholder that people can see.

It doesn’t stop you needing their timezone for planning, but could be an optional tool for communicating the final event details to performers and audience.




With a week to go I thought I would share the names of those wonderful folk, who are going to be sitting in the audience for this one. These events would not be the same without your support, so thank you !!

Please note if you are undecided or thought you were too late, seat bookings are available until a couple of hours before the show or whenever I do my final, last minute final dry run. :rofl:


Audidence In Time Zone Order
Name Username Timezone UTC Start Time am/pm
Michael clandev UTC - 8 1100 11am
Pam pkb003 UTC - 6 1300 1pm
Hilary southpaw6 UTC - 6 1300 1pm
Jason jasonbuk UTC - 5 1400 2pm
Phil philsmith UTC - 5 1400 2pm
Alex alexduprey UTC - 5 1400 2pm
Ariana guitargirl123 UTC - 5 1400 2pm
Carolyn asterope UTC - 5 1400 2pm
Mike mdsousa UTC - 4 1500 3pm
Darren dman74 UTC - 4 1500 3pm
David durqhart UTC 1900 7pm
Al grayal UTC 1900 7pm
Nancy billca UTC 1900 7pm
Ian madmodmcd UTC 1900 7pm
Stefan sgtcolon UTC 1900 7pm
Mark notter UTC 1900 7pm
John willsie01 UTC 1900 7pm
Mal malz UTC 1900 7pm
Elixir elixir1253 UTC 1900 7pm
Peter rorystrat UTC 1900 7pm
Gordon sairfingers UTC 1900 7pm
Dailin dailin UTC + 1 2000 8pm
Andreas adnyplays UTC + 1 2000 8pm
Trond trond UTC + 1 2000 8pm
Nicole nicolekkb UTC + 1 2000 8pm
Edgar rumil UTC + 1 2000 8pm

My only thoughts, would that it would need to be one of the organisers personal Google acc or a generic one set up for the Community. Not sure I’d want to use my own and not sure how we’d stand with a “shared” acc but its not my area of expertise. Ha nothing is these days but I like it like that :rofl:

From my point of view, I used my personal Google account to set up the Meet session when I did it before. I see no reason why that’s a problem. I actually have a paid for Workspace account, so that’s easy for me, but anyone with Gmail can do it.

I suggest it’s up to each organiser to use the tool they are most comfortable with. If that’s Zoom or Teams, or Jitsi, etc. it’s all good, although people should aim for low barriers to entry.




Please sign me up to be in the audience! I’m in US central time, which I think is UTC -6?

Hi Hilary, no problem I’ll add you to the list and will send a DM shortly.
I have Milwaukee down as UTC - 6 so looks like you are on the money.


Hi Toby. Just realised I haven’t been in touch to ask for a seat in the audience. UTC. Thanks.

On the case Gordon :+1:

In case we want to explore the idea. I offer my services for setting up the calendar, if you want, for next OM :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi there - Please sign me up for the audience UTC -5


On the list Carolyn, will DM you later with info etc.

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Will drop you a DM later.



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Looking for an audience pass please
Wouldn’t miss open mic

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Ralph welcome to the Community. Can you let me know your UTC time zone, so I can advise you of your local start time, when I send you the link.

Ralph, dh, I think Toby needs to know that you’re in UTC -5. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Donna do you have a form of spidy sense ? I checked Ralph’s profile to see if there were any clues but could find none. And nothing to arrive at UTC - 5 :rofl: you must share you secret, so I can use it in the future. :sunglasses:

Haha, my “spidey sense” is that I live with him! :spider:Ralph’s my husband. :grin: