JGC Open Mic XX / 20 Call For Interest

Put me in the hat to play please Toby.

UTC +10

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Audience seat for me please, Toby! NZDT / UTC+13
Looks to be shaping up as an incredible bash for the 20th OM! Can’t wait! :partying_face: :smiley: :+1:

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Can I have a seat in the audience please Toby? UTC +10
Thank you :smiley:

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OK another day and another CFI sweep !

In to the Perf Pot :sunglasses:


Theatre bookings :




Hi Toby, I would like to perform for this one, UTC+5 Toronto area.

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In the pot Andres. :+1:

I would like a seat in the audience please (UTC-5)

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Please add us as performers Toby.

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UTC - 5 by November ?

I was just looking that up. :smile: It appears so.

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Toby could you put me in for a performers slot. Also UTC -5. Giving me a deadline may be the push I need to focus on a new song. Last OM I hesitated to push the button, as Davidp says I need to get back on the horse.

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Few new names in the frame today, so better do another OM sweep.

Into the Performers Pot


And theatre seat booked for


Cheers peeps.


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Toby sir, i would love another go if it is possible. It seems this is the last OM last before christmas so then maybe it will have to be a christmas song !

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Festive Show pencilled in for Dec 9th but not sure of the format yet, Livestream or small OM.
Watch this space on that one. :sunglasses:


cool :+1:

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Audience please, Toby, UTC

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Hi Toby, I’m pretty sure that I’m in the list but as I was not included in the daily sweep please confirm I’m in.

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You most certainly are sir.:sunglasses:

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@eric.lennon If I may be so bold as to recommend, request Eric, how about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdalBvgNAxI

Hi, I’d like to be part of the audience for this.