JGC Open Mic XX / 20 Call For Interest

Can you confirm your UTC time zone please. :sunglasses:

Hi Toby, I’d like to be among the performers this time :smiley:. UTC+1 :slightly_smiling_face:.
Thanks :hugs:.


I’m in the UK so UTC+1 at the moment but in November we will be UTC 00, back to GMT

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Hey, Toby! I am interested in performing one song, accompanied by Zachary. UTC -4. THANKS


I think GA will be UTC - 5 as clocks go back the weekend before the show. :wink:

Gotcha! I have never dealt with UTC before! Have a nice weekend, Toby.

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Can I have a seat in the stalls please Toby? UK time.

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Not the mosh pit ??

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Mods don’t do mosh pits! :wink:

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Can I get a performer spot please, Toby? UTC -4


Hi David, I had never heard this before, TBH I never really gave Jethro Tull much of a listen, but I did like this song when I listened today but I think it would suit @brianlarsen OM style better than mine

Friday sweep.

Into the Performance Pot :

@brucie (& Zachary)
@toshs Tosh think you might actually be UCT - 5 after clock change, can you verify ?

Audience :


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What ??? :scream: :scream_cat: :scream_cat: :scream:

Yep, we will move to UTC -5 with the daylight savings time change. thanks for catching!

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It is true. There was not much music played in my family when I was young, I had no siblings to introduce me to music and my friends were mainly into sports like me so basically if a song was not on TOTPs then I would never hear it. So there is a lot of music than I never got exposed to in those years that given my age you would have expected me to have been listening to

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Never too late. I think you’d like their music.:sunglasses:

@eric.lennon I think Tull at their best are worth a listen, Eric. Songs From the Wood and Aqualung the two albums from my teen years.

I made the reply with tongue firmly in cheek, not seriously thinking you’d do it. It was the first Christmas song that came to mind that was not a carol. Now I think about it Chuck Berry’s Run Rudolph Run would be more up your street.


Audience again for me please Toby. I’ll be UTC +0 by then, I think.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

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I wouldn’t mind having a jam if you guys have room :+1:

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@eric.lennon May I recommend the Tull album I had as a teenager - M.U. - The Best of Jethro Tull. One of the songs I first heard on there is still one of my “Desert Island Discs” - Locomotive Breath