JGC Open Mic XX / 20 Call For Interest

Audience please, UK UTC

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Add me in with the audience please. UTC -6

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@Adi66 and @pkboo3 seats booked folks. :+1:

Just a quick update for those who signefd up or Audience access. My PC died last night, as I was about to DM folks with the link etc. As it looks like a repair shop fix, I’ve dusted down my old laptop and in the process of bringing it up to date.

All being well I’ll message you all in the next 24hrs. I know its 2 weeks away but thiught I’d let you all know.

Don’t you just love technology.



Audience for me please please Toby
UTC -5

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No probs Jason :+1:

Just DMed you, see you Saturday !

Hi Toby, I’d like an audience seat please. I’m UTC-5. Looking forward to the show :slightly_smiling_face:

Cool Mari, will add you to the list. Check your messages shortly.

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Hi Toby
Could I have a seat in the audience please? UTC +10
Thank you :slight_smile:

No problem Jasmine, DM to follow. :sunglasses:

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Thank you :slight_smile: :sunflower:

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Hi Toby,
Please can you put me down for an audience seat. Thanks.

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Unfortunately I’m still all over the place and don’t have the capacity to join in live but looking at the roster, I’m sure it’ll be another great show!

Looking forward to hearing it on YouTube, and as always, thank you everyone working behind the scenes making these events happen.

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Front row for the audience, please :grinning:



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Front row fully booked will have to be 2nd row. :rofl:


Just sent you a DM with link Gary. See you tomorrow !

Entrance ticket for one please. Unrestricted view essential! UTC.

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@GorBLIMey John just DMed you with link. :sunglasses:

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Hi Toby,
If it doesn’t cause any inconvenience, I would still like a place on the sofa, ehem, seat in the audience :smiley:
UTC+1. Thanks!