JGC Open Mic XXIII / 23 Call For Interest

Seat booked Dale, just in case.

Is there an open mic tonight?

Ian @MadModMcd
No it is in two weeks time.


Can I have an audience place please Toby.? UK time :+1:

Hi Toby. Can I have an audience slot please? Looking forward to this one.

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Seats booked for @MadModMcd and @ToshS :+1:


Please add me to the audience list.

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Hi Toby, can you put me down for an audience seat please.

UTC :uk:

Cheers, David

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Michael, David, seats booked.

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Just a heads up to say I will be DMing audience members this weekend but here’s your ticket in advance !!


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Hi @TheMadman_tobyjenner sorry I’m probably going to have to pull out on Sat. I’ve got to pick up my wife and inlaws from the train station on Sat just after 8pm and I don’t think I’ll get back in time to perform. I could possibly do it in one of the early slots but then wouldn’t be able to stay for others…which doesn’t feel quite right. Move me to the audience and I’ll stay as long as I can and if back in time rejoin perhaps to perform at the end if I’m there.

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Don’t forget with the clock changes it will be an 8pm kick off in the UK, so an early slot won’t help.
ETA for the show is 1hr 45mins (assuming I am still in), so if you are back you could take the tail end, if that works ? I’ll add you to the audience DM but we can see what happens on the night. :+1:


Hi Toby,
Just send me a ticket just to be sure … the birthday might not happen or we might be home early … or whatever why I still come in at the last minute :sweat_smile:… for me please a somewhat spacious place without a fixed chair, :sunglasses:

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Okay Toby I had forgotten we’d be 8pm start! Okay stick me in the audience if I’m back and ready then I’ll perform. All depends probably on whether people want to eat when they get back.

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On the list Roger :+1:

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Hi Toby, audience seat for me. UTC-4.

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Seat booked. :+1:

Hi Toby,

I’d like to be in the audience for the first time. I’m in CEST, therefore UTC+2.

Seat booked Jaime, watch out for a DM this weekend with details.
