Hi Richard, been slacking recently , need something to kick my ****, so I would love to have a performer slot if available. Cheers Eric
Updates added to Post #1.
Hi Richard @Richard_close2u, I would like to participate as a performer. UTC -5. No problem in making my potential spot available for others as needed. If it fits the lineup I would like to play two songs.
Can I get an audience seat. Thanks.
Hi Richard. Don’t want to commit to performing on this one, so audience seat. If closer to the time and I feel comfortable then maybe I’ll ask to join the roster.
Almost Zoom license renewal time . . .
Audience for me, please.
Hi Richard, could I have an audience seat please? Cheers
Hi Richard, I’d love an audience seat please!
I’d like to perform if possible. Happy to make way if needed though
Looking at the thread, it’s very encouraging to see so many people already signed up for an audience seat too
Can I reserve a seat in the audience please
Hi. Please may I have a seat in the audience? Thanks if poss - am hoping to post a recording of me playing as soon as I figure out the technical bits…
Could I have an audience seat?
Hi Richard,
I completely forgot to mention that I would like an audience ticket…not in center field , then I’ll be looking at everyone’s buttocks again…
Thanks man!!
I thought the stars were unlikely to align for me to play at one of these. but things have gone the right way. As I’ve no idea when the next chance might be, I’d like a performer slot please @Richard_close2u .
I’m in the UK, UTC.
A debut performance coming up - great to have you Simon.
Audience please Richard!
I had been waiting to check in with my band mates to see if we would be available to perform at this one, but one of us has a conflict that day. However, I will happily cheer everyone on from the front row
Possibly. If Dan and I can get something together performance worthy, I’ll let you know.