Jiujitsu club

Any other BJJ athletes here? I know Justin’s got the bug but was curious if it’s just him and I or if we have a little community within the JG community.

I’ve been training bjj about 12yrs which is about the same time I picked up guitar. I’m a black belt and far more accomplished than I am with guitar. It’s probably the reason my guitar journey has been slow to date.
What I am now getting to appreciate is that the way to teach yourself / learn both these arts is very similar.

It’s also the reason for my screen name funky fingers. I have broken a few and have grip knuckles. IYKYK

I used to do Tai Chi a long time ago and did get interested in the contact part of it. I use it now just for gentle relaxation nothing else.

Yeah BJJ is any thing but calming.

I grew up training it (very unofficially) from a guy who should have been in the UFC, but never anything like an organized gym would have.

Definitely still use it if I need to and of course can do some serious damage with it if I need to, but something I haven’t focused on in quite a while tbh.

I did look at joining a gym a while back, but never pulled the trigger on it.

I’ve got a black belt in origami. :pray: