JK’s rock songbook thread (Should I Stay or Should I Go added 17th October)

Nothing from me JK, that was brilliant. Your tone sounded great.

I gave the original a listen after watching yours and it all sounded bob on. Bravo! :metal:

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Hi…cool …even on my phone

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Not my fave Clash tune, but you give a solid rendition of it here. Steady rhythm is key and that’s one of your fortes. Nice tone.
Glad to see you got a haircut for the visuals, although a bit tighter on the sides for the Mohawk fx would have shown more commitment :wink:
(My memory was that Rockin’ the Casbah was on continuous MTV rotation at the time)


Thanks for checking it out even before the thread rename guys :smile:

Ah, tone was a Fender Deluxe Reverb amp model with an overdrive pedal and some extra reverb. All courtesy of the 'stang :smiley:. Glad you enjoyed it Toby!

Thx Stefan. I “transcribed” those little twiddles in the interlude myself :rofl: Not sure they’re right but that’s about as much transcribing as I do.

:sunglasses: I hope it was an iPhone at least to be truly cool.

I’m on a strict four-weekly haircut regime now, after my mid-life-crisis growing my hair out I was going through when I first joined the community :wink:. I thought about the Keith Flint style but couldn’t get it past the missus. Thanks for checkin it Brian!


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Nice one JK, especially keeping up with the chord changes and strumming in the chorus, amazing tone again but personally I’d like to hear the higher end a little more, sounded very bass heavy to my ears.

And you’re looking so comfortable and effortless with your playing with each AVOYP share banging :slight_smile:

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No an cheap samsung … 3 day’s to go without the good gear … so it’s extra points for you …no i’m going to wash monkeyshit out of my hair (really) :speak_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

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@brianlarsen I’ve seen this meme around that kind of goes - you think you’re going to get chicks when you play guitar, but you really just get more guitars… I wish I could find the picture :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yep, I think you’re right there Mark - it was a bit bass heavy on the tone! Comes from me playing solo instead of in a mix most of the time. :slight_smile: Thanks for the comment dude.

:scream: There must be a story here?!?


Rock solid on the rhythm as per usual, JK, the time spent drumming was a great investment in time by young JK for future JK, the guitar player.

A fun song and enjoyed watching you rock out.

I am in with Notter on the tone, I think it was bass heavy too the point of losing clarity. If not a result of the EQ settings, maybe a result of the reverb? Or perhaps tone adjustment on the overdrive pedal? I’m not a tone master so not sure.

Not quite sure which pickup position you had selected, if not the bridge maybe that would have been a better choice?

Now what about a rendition with guitar and vocal, like Justin’s intro … shoot for some punk attitude on the vocal delivery :grin:


Thanks for the comment David. I’m pretty sure I just have the bass turned up a bit high on the amp on this preset. In hindsight I kind of “knew” that because I was using it to play scales and the low E was way louder than the other strings. But I didn’t really consider how it would sit in the mix for recording :smiley:. Didn’t even think about it at all. Lesson learnt! I think…

Oh, singing at the same time as playing take a whole lot more practice! And I haven’t actually recorded any vocals for AVOYP for a while I think. Only OMs. Hmm, should have another crack at vocals, but not this song :slight_smile:

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Great performance JK!

I must admit I didn’t notice anything about the tone until I read the other comments and had another listen to the original. If you were going for that tone I would guess gain down a bit, bass down a bit, mids up, and bridge pu as David said.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl:…not a very big one but i have to wait for acces my laptop…there is one place in holland where monkey’s watching people and viceversa…

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Bravo Jk, that sounded really good to me, Rhythm seems solid and you looked confident in your playing! :blush:

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Hey JK, I gave this latest rock songbook edition a spin this morning. I thought you played it pretty well and tone sounded great to my ears.

I was just thinking the same thing too and how your vocals have continued to improve with every recording.

P.S. what have you done to our Rogier? @brianlarsen help him out.


:rofl: Bahaha that’s awesome… and soooo true :pensive: :joy:

Great stuff JK (or should it be GC? :thinking: :sweat_smile:)! Really enjoyed that (despite being in the same camp as Mr Larsen regarding the tune itself). I also agree with others that your playing has become so relaxed and confident, impressive to watch :clap: My only bit that didn’t quite gel was the couple of “twiddles” :joy: in the interlude around the 2min mark, I listened to that section in the original but it didn’t really sound like that to me? :thinking: Anyway minor in the grand scheme of things and in no way detrimental to my enjoyment of the performance.

Read the comments regarding tone above, ranging from “love it” to “too much bass/not enough mids”. Personally I liked the tone and again impressed with your tone-hunting capabilities. I will admit that it was a touch bass heavy, etc. but I wasn’t bothered by that, although perhaps would have enjoyed the tweaked tone as much, maybe more, had you done so before posting (noting that it was good to see that you were aware of issue, despite not rectifying). Regardless, I liked it and felt it had a lot of body and warmth to it :slight_smile:

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Hey Phil, thanks for checking it out! Yeah I listened to the original again and it’s definitely higher treble less bass, by a lot. I didn’t tone hunt for this song but probably should have a little.

Thanks Silvia!

Thanks James. Hopefully more coming as I’m going to try to get into a recording groove… or maybe I’m just setting myself up for failure there. Come to think of it, some more from you coming sometime? AVOYP has seemed quiet recently…

lol :rofl:

Okay, so I “kind of” transcribed those twiddles, but I spent only a couple of minutes on it and they sounded OK so just went with it. My transcribing is not good… Also my bend was off. There’s a reason not a lot of my stuff has bends in it… :rofl: Well, now I’m learning more so there will be more (bad) bends in future vids.

Yeah, I didn’t actually tone hunt for this one, just went with one of my standard practice presets - deluxe reverb with an overdrive pedal. I should have tweaked it a bit, but put zero effort into that part, it’s just a good sounding tone but not accurate to the song.

Actually you could say that I tweaked the tone a lot to get it to sound good - because I use it a lot - but it was not tweaked for the song. I think my ears are just attuned for how something sounds tonewise, more than what pitch it is - probably comes from drumming again.

Thanks for checking it out Jeff :smiley:


Yes, it has seemed quieter recently now that you mention it.

I’ve been thinking about laying down a recording or two to mark my 2nd Guitar Anniversary and to give me a bit of a push forward.


A good reason that! :wink:

Can’t wait to see your latest.

Super cool JK😎. Really enjoyable listen. You sure have developed some skills these past 2 years.

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Hi JK,

Awesome song.
Great job. Fit right in with the backing track.



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