JK’s rock songbook thread (Should I Stay or Should I Go added 17th October)

WAY late to your thread here but watched the last few AVOYPs you posted JK & have to agree with the others… your playing on the Fender HH Tele has a really cool tone going on!!! Play is solid, timing feels solid & very enjoyable!!!
My only criticism would be that your “Guitar Face” looks angry :angry:! Smile & show that you’re enjoying your Groove!!! If not… that’s cool too, I just think it might be, I dunno, a better feel for your audience.
Rock On, Man!!!
Love it!


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Just to add to my last…

Don’t be -

Be -

Just having a bit of fun!!!

Really though, thanks JK for all your contributions to this community!!! I appreciate you, man!


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Great stuff, JK! I have the same rock songbook. Guess I need to get back to it now that I have my new strat.

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Thanks for the feedback Adrian!

I found this hilarious Tod! I guess I am a grumpy cat rather than an Otis… at least when playing guitar. I’m usually more friendly in real life (although not quite an Otis there either… :rofl:)

A couple of times I’ve tried to control my guitar face a bit better… and then I end up messing up. Maybe I need to put daily guitar face practice in my routine :smile:. Or maybe not, most of the guitar music I listened to growing up was angry… even though my tastes are more chilled out now.

Thanks Tosh. Lots of good songs in the book with new techniques. Worth learning a few.

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I can’t comment on the skill/technique, but that sounded amazing JK :star_struck: I’ve only learned the riff from Grade 1, but I keep practicing it in my daily routine as I hope to learn the rest of the song once I’ve learned the techniques needed for it (power chords, palm muting, etc.).

I love that idea! I’m in Grade 2, and the songs there are much harder and taking much longer for me to learn which got my old unwelcome friends “self-doubt” and “frustration” rearing their ugly heads. So I’m taking your approach and revisiting Grade 1 songs and trying to learn more of those to build up my song repertoire and self-confidence while still working on a single Grade 2 song to keep the challenge level up (not that Grade 1 songs are easy, just easier). It’s made my daily practice more fun again, and I realized that I can apply the new techniques learned in Grade 2 to Grade 1 songs, so I’m doing that (kind of taking a step back to go farther forward approach). I’m currently working on Wonderwall from Grade 2 (stuck chords), and Black by Pearl Jam from Grade 1 (rhythm push strumming technique from Grade 2).

I’ve also ordered Justin’s songbooks (Beginner 1 & 2 as well as the Rock Songbook) from Anderton’s to save on international shipping since I’m visiting London. So thanks for the inspiration, and the “aha” moment :blush:

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Hi ya’ll, grumpy cat here trying to be in a regular recording groove.

Should I Stay Or Should I Go by The Clash

This is the next one from Justin’s guitar songbook. It was just going to be repertoire, but I decided to learn the 5 string barre chord grip Justin shows in the video lesson. That took a bit of practice to get under the fingers. Backing track courtesy of karaoke-version again.


Princess Jasmine decided to photobomb me, I should really learn to prepare more for these. At least there are no short-shorts in this one. :rofl:

All comments welcome, positive and negative.


Spotted this at 5am and decided to bookmark and not play until daylight. Good decision !
What a great way to brighten up a grey morning. Rock solid pretty much throughout and the tone was to die for and sounded great. Keep them coming JK.

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Nothing from me JK, that was brilliant. Your tone sounded great.

I gave the original a listen after watching yours and it all sounded bob on. Bravo! :metal:

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Hi…cool …even on my phone

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Not my fave Clash tune, but you give a solid rendition of it here. Steady rhythm is key and that’s one of your fortes. Nice tone.
Glad to see you got a haircut for the visuals, although a bit tighter on the sides for the Mohawk fx would have shown more commitment :wink:
(My memory was that Rockin’ the Casbah was on continuous MTV rotation at the time)


Thanks for checking it out even before the thread rename guys :smile:

Ah, tone was a Fender Deluxe Reverb amp model with an overdrive pedal and some extra reverb. All courtesy of the 'stang :smiley:. Glad you enjoyed it Toby!

Thx Stefan. I “transcribed” those little twiddles in the interlude myself :rofl: Not sure they’re right but that’s about as much transcribing as I do.

:sunglasses: I hope it was an iPhone at least to be truly cool.

I’m on a strict four-weekly haircut regime now, after my mid-life-crisis growing my hair out I was going through when I first joined the community :wink:. I thought about the Keith Flint style but couldn’t get it past the missus. Thanks for checkin it Brian!


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Nice one JK, especially keeping up with the chord changes and strumming in the chorus, amazing tone again but personally I’d like to hear the higher end a little more, sounded very bass heavy to my ears.

And you’re looking so comfortable and effortless with your playing with each AVOYP share banging :slight_smile:

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No an cheap samsung … 3 day’s to go without the good gear … so it’s extra points for you …no i’m going to wash monkeyshit out of my hair (really) :speak_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

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@brianlarsen I’ve seen this meme around that kind of goes - you think you’re going to get chicks when you play guitar, but you really just get more guitars… I wish I could find the picture :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yep, I think you’re right there Mark - it was a bit bass heavy on the tone! Comes from me playing solo instead of in a mix most of the time. :slight_smile: Thanks for the comment dude.

:scream: There must be a story here?!?


Rock solid on the rhythm as per usual, JK, the time spent drumming was a great investment in time by young JK for future JK, the guitar player.

A fun song and enjoyed watching you rock out.

I am in with Notter on the tone, I think it was bass heavy too the point of losing clarity. If not a result of the EQ settings, maybe a result of the reverb? Or perhaps tone adjustment on the overdrive pedal? I’m not a tone master so not sure.

Not quite sure which pickup position you had selected, if not the bridge maybe that would have been a better choice?

Now what about a rendition with guitar and vocal, like Justin’s intro … shoot for some punk attitude on the vocal delivery :grin:


Thanks for the comment David. I’m pretty sure I just have the bass turned up a bit high on the amp on this preset. In hindsight I kind of “knew” that because I was using it to play scales and the low E was way louder than the other strings. But I didn’t really consider how it would sit in the mix for recording :smiley:. Didn’t even think about it at all. Lesson learnt! I think…

Oh, singing at the same time as playing take a whole lot more practice! And I haven’t actually recorded any vocals for AVOYP for a while I think. Only OMs. Hmm, should have another crack at vocals, but not this song :slight_smile:

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Great performance JK!

I must admit I didn’t notice anything about the tone until I read the other comments and had another listen to the original. If you were going for that tone I would guess gain down a bit, bass down a bit, mids up, and bridge pu as David said.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl:…not a very big one but i have to wait for acces my laptop…there is one place in holland where monkey’s watching people and viceversa…

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Bravo Jk, that sounded really good to me, Rhythm seems solid and you looked confident in your playing! :blush:

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