Johns( Guitarman) Learning log

Hi all never posted a learning log before so hope this qualifies I started this a while ago skipped grade 1 as I knew most of it from previous attempts worked my way through mods 8,9,10 and now at 11 been here a while trying to learn happy birthday (coincidence its my 70th today ug how did I get so old) anyway looking through my song book which is a guitar tab manuscript book I have a lot of songs I can play badly so decided to relearn them properly and try to get them correct this year and not to add any more well that did not last long, already added more but that is it no more, the new ones are Waterloo sunset in E some barre chords,Telestar,sorrow (Bowie) picture of you (Joe Brown) Atomic (Blondie like the riff) dock of the bay,old time rock and roll (quo version) mess of blues (quo version) Brown eyed girl, Knockin on heavens door, heartbreak hotel plus the lead riff can play it but needs a bit of refining, you never can tell chuck berry and coz I luv you slade.
Hopefully by the years end I will have completed my plan I intend to keep working through the lessons and will move on to mod 12 now and put happy birthday and Oh Xmas tree in my learning plan.I also intend to try to play some of the easier songs just using E shape A shape Em shape & Am shape barre chords.Wish me luck !


Happy Birthday John. Going back over songs is always a good idea

Happy birthday John hope you have a great day and keep up with the playing cheers Hec

Hello John, Happy Birthday… :partying_face: :bouquet:

And good for you going back to old songs :sunglasses:, in recent weeks I have also (more than usual) stopped playing new songs (so not completely) and started playing old songs better, often only with the extra things added … that for me is where the big fun can be found…


Thanks all for your good wishes

happy birthday :partying_face:

Good start to a Log, John, and sounds like you have a good plan, too!

Happy day after your birthday, hope it was fun.

Happy belated birthday :tada:

Thanks Rebecca I understand you are a grade 2 as well how did you find it i am moving to mod 12 any tips for future lessons

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cheers Joe

Sorry for the late reply. I’ve been shoveling a lot of snow!

I had a lot of trouble with power chords, maybe because i had a lot of trouble with the F barre chord. Suddenly, instead of fighting to get that B string to ring out i now had to mute the 3 higher strings. I must have fought with them for 3 weeks, then gave up. I practice them now and then, and they mostly sound okay, but haven’t mastered moving between the 6th and 5th strings.

I did well memorizing the A minor pentatonic scale and that will be very useful on Module 13’s Blues solo lesson.

Palm muting I’ve barely used yet it songs so didn’t spend a lot of time on it.

The Sandman riff was hard and i didn’t know the song so gave up again. I’ll try again eventually.

Haven’t tried writing riffs or songs or anything so nothing to report. I’m not feeling very creative i guess?

As for distortion, i don’t even remember that lesson, ill have to watch it again. Except for practicing power chords i only play “clean”.

I’ve got lots to practice in consolidation!

Well thanks for that I find power chords quite easy only tried the Am scale once its not too bad I also play clean most of the times and done a bit of palm muting although not that good so hopefully shouldn’t be too bad. good luck shoveling the snow its wet windy and muddy here in the south west of England.