JokuMuu's Learning Log

Hi Nicole, your story is very recognisable. I have been super-busy at work the last 6 months, and guitar has been set on the back burner (difference is that, for me, work has now slowed down). I knew these months were coming and I had resigned myself to pretty much stop playing. I am trying to ease myself into guitar playing again by playing some songs I like and know, and slowly starting on grade 2 lessons, but it is surprisingly difficult to just get started again at full throttle.

Kudos for enrolling for lessons! I have been looking into this also, and I have found a local guitar school that’s a bit more laid back than the ‘classical’ music school. Unfortunately, timing wise it hasn’t worked out for now, but I’m keeping my eye on that. So yes, I think this will definitely help you.

However, I did keep coming to the forum and trying to help others from time to time, so there’s no need to punish yourself in this way (if not, you make me look bad :wink: ). For me, it was a way to still keep connected, to the forum and to the guitar. So don’t you ever feel you aren’t ‘good enough’ for this forum - you absolutely are!

Good luck with your journey, and be kind to yourself!


I know exactly how you feel Nicole. I am in the same boat, feeling similar emotions, thinking similar thoughts. And how like the way life is that this morning when I look at replies I see a reply on your log and read about your experience.

Be gentle, be patient, and wish you well with your music and the lessons.

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I have absolutely no intention to do that, Els :slightly_smiling_face:

Poor nail. Being hit on the head again. Yes, that’s usually difficult for me.

Such a shame that it hasn’t worked out yet timing wise. Hope you will find something.

I have no idea what that music school here is like… I’m more or less relying on word of mouth from a colleague who has been going there for singing lessons and he said that there are several guitar teachers who are really flexible, meaning it should be easy to agree lessons in the evenings or so.

Hmm… Seeing that you are also starting again, maybe we should develop a “battle plan” together? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Don’t let work get the better of you, David. I know it’s a lot easier said than done, since mine keeps dragging me down over and over again …

David, you are so valuable to this community. Don’t ever, ever think any differently, please.

You know, there is one thought that kept haunting me when I was staring at those unplayed guitars smiling at me from their guitar stands. “For what am I even doing this?” In order to record songs, publish them here and bath in positive feedback? No. No that’s not what motivates me. Because I want to get better for the sake of getting better? No. I’m too lazy for that. I just didn’t know anymore. I never wanted to be able to play a song as closely to the original as possible. I never wanted to sound like somebody else. So that didn’t motivate me either.

So I was stuck in over and over repeating stress at work that wouldn’t go away when those guitars smirked at me so reproachfully at home.

It took a long time for me to understand what - deep inside of me - is my motivation. And that’s apparently making music with other people. To work on music and songs together… I have no idea if that will ever happen. But it’s for sure that it will never happen if I do not even give myself the chance to try.

You are so good at what you are doing. You have such a good ear for arranging songs. Remember that song with the caged bird you wrote? You have so much to be proud of. In those moments, when work wants to drag you down, try to think of that :slightly_smiling_face:

You belong here, David. Don’t you go anywhere :slightly_smiling_face:


Good to see you back, Nicole. I had wondered where you had disappeared to like many of the other regulars that have vanished without trace. That’s great that you have enrolled in the local music school. I wish you all the best with your learning experience, enjoy and have lots of fun.

Absolutely. I prefer folk regardless of playing that contribute positively to the community, the discussions and the banter than those that drop in just to post their latest recording to get some views.


Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: That’s really good to know.

I am so glad that many of the old regulars are still here :grinning:

I felt so guilty about disappearing without a word (again)… which kept me from logging in even more…

Next time (which hopefully won’t happen) I’ll make a short note here saying “I need a break” or something.


Great to see you back Nicole, I wondered what had happened to you.
Good luck with the music school course and I’m sure your guitar mojo will spring back into life!

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Thanks, Gordon :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, it would have been nice if that school would have replied to my “application” already. So far, I only got an automated message …

They’d better reply soon… otherwise - knowing myself - I might chicken out… :chicken:

Hmm… To prevent me from doing that, I decided which song (video below) I want to take to the first lesson. The chords are easy and the song works well with Old Faithful. Yet fingerpicking along with the original is so much more fun :blush: So I guess if I keep on working on that song for the first lesson, I should at least find back to some kind of practicing habit.

Welcome back Nicole :smiley:
Sometimes a break is a good thing.

There’s always the Just Chatting section :wink:

The only ‘pressure’ we experience is what we impose upon ourselves :roll_eyes:
I would be surprised if anyone on in the Community knows or cares how much you practice.
I’m happy for you that you decided to get back in the saddle.
I hope you find your mojo and experience the joy of sharing it again with like-minded travelers.
Wishing you well :smiley:


Thank you :grinning:

That’s all true, but often it takes an outside perspective to realize that.

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Hey Nicole, nice to see you back, although I never thought you were “gone”!
Live can be harsh and demanding from time to time and there isn’t a reason not to take a break, when it’s needed. I feel very sorry about your current situation at work and can totally understand all that troubles are taking away your mojo and power.
We all have different needs during this journey and we need to try out things that might be good for our development. I guess, a big step ahead is, when we are at a position to be able to play for our relaxation and not only to progress. Don’t let the feeling of having to “progress” get too serious. As others already mentioned, none of us is here to judge wether you practiced enough or not.
You have analyzed your situation and drawn your conclusions. That’s great! I hope, you get some helpful input from music school! Keep your eyes open, maybe you can get in contact with other musicians and make your dream, playing with others, come true.
I wish you all the best, take care of yourself!

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Thank you, Andrea :slightly_smiling_face: It’s maybe really time to realize that too.much self-made pressure is not good :slightly_smiling_face:

At the moment I’m playing around with simple chords, simple songs and very easy 4:4 fingerstyle patterns. And… I’m having fun :grinning:

That’s partially due to you posting your fingerpicking songs a while back. Aah. I did not even comment then, did I?

Puhh, I don’t even know!
Do you remember we talked about a certain brilliant fingerpicked song from Sven? What happened to it? Did you give it a go? I would love to see/hear it from you! (“Smile”). (Can’t use any emojis on my tablet, as tabs are crashing then for whatever reason)
Edit: Till from GitarrenTunes has a tutorial for this one, but I guess, you already know!

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Ooh … that one :face_in_clouds: That’s still on my list. It’s somewhat crazy, I do still remember all the chord progressions etc. without any effort, but I have forgotten the lyrics.

And… Oh yes, it has to be picked. I can play it with random strumming patterns, but the character of the song changes quite much…

It will be a lot of work, because at the moment still the change from Em to Fmaj7 with a C bass breaks the rhythm completely…

Edit: Checked the tutorial (didn’t know it exists). The pattern is perfect!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks so much, Nicole. Appreciate the warmth and encouragement. I will get back into it, and the last few weeks have been better. Nothing like promising to play at an OM to drive some better activity.

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I understand that perfectly. I’m using my application to the local music school in a similar way

At some point quite much into your song yesterday, you smiled. Not much. Just a hint. You couldn’t help it. Then I thought, maybe you are starting to feel better about your music again.

I’ll check out that Jack Johnson version btw. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sooo… No news from the music school. Finland is dead in July of course. Almost everyone is on holiday. I’ll give them a call tomorrow. Let’s see if I can find out more when those three “trial lessons” will start.

Since logging back on to the forum I have played every day if mostly only something without real structure. This weekend, however, was my deadline for becoming more disciplined and finally following Grade 2 more seriously.

Yesterday I completed all practice items for module 8 one and a half times. Today I went through the whole practice routine for module 8 three times. Well. My pinkie isn’t happy, but I am :slightly_smiling_face:

When I started with this module in late winter resp. early spring, I got so frustrated since I couldn’t manage to play the Em scale in open position in any kind of coordinated fashion. The “Wish you were here”- riff? Forget it. No dexterity whatsoever. In all of my Grade 1 consolidation I had skipped playing riffs almost entirely.

This situation led me into a rabbit hole called Yousician, which is a great tool for learning to play riffs and melodies. Oh, I loved playing those easy riffs and melodies and there were many days when I spent hours and hours playing riffs and melodies. So I flew through those lessons which I justified as “having fun with riffs” until I realized that I was was suffering from flying fingers. That combined with the stress at work led to me stopping playing entirely.

And now?
It’s interesting how things have changed. I can play the Em scale in open position literally with my eyes closed. It’s an exception that I hit the wrong strings. Flying fingers? So what? I’m sure that music school teacher can help. Maybe the situation is not even as bad as I think it is.

It’s funny with those stuck 3 & 4 chords. They are far from perfect, but even comparing yesterday to today, I notice a small improvement.

And oh, how I love my “open notes” study minutes. It’s strangely rewarding playing C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C on each of the six individual strings…

What are the plans for the next two weeks?
In general, the idea is to have module 8 completed by 2.8.24. I will get there by executing all practice items in module 8 at least once per work day and at least twice on Saturday and Sunday. Should something start to feel too easy, I will find ways to increase the difficulty (e.g. higher BPM for the scale or applying the accentuated 8th note strumming at higher BPM).

Should I after the mandatory practicing time still feel motivated to play, then and only then, I may go back to playing around with easy fingerpicking patterns (otherwise there is too big a chance that I will disappear in the next :rabbit2: :hole:)


nuso ?

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:open_mouth: nuso? :laughing: I must have had saved some nonsense while typing…

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It was written , no news from nuso so far

so i was like : :open_mouth: :astonished:

And working on melodies helped you playing the Em scale , you know how to pick individual strings now :smiley:

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