JokuMuu's Learning Log

I’m with you there, David. I also like the old fashioned coal barbecue grills more. Same with sauna ovens (well, it’s Finland) the ones that you have to feed with wood usually have much more character (and there is a better smell) than the eletric ones.

Lunchbreak time and I will continue playing Sherlock Nicole to uncover the true meaning of BBP, which I now think must be “Blues Boys Playing” (is a single woman blimming there?!) it has to be it :face_with_monocle:


I think the word “Blues” might be the second B. Wasn’t it mentioned during last OM? :thinking: :face_with_monocle:

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I must have been sleeping then…
Hmm… maybe it is

Brilliant Blues People?:face_with_monocle:

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That surely would be a nice fit for the Blimmers, but I don’t know either. :smiley:

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@TheMadman_tobyjenner and @DavidP say it’s plain to see… It’s still a mystery for me… :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Yeah, there are a few female blimmers. With some even posting their recordings including playing fingerstyle and singing at the same time.

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They only tell us, that they are blimming, in realty they are doing a virtual Bauch-Beine-Po course :joy: :partying_face:.
Nah, jokes aside, maybe Blues Breaker Project?


:grinning: :laughing: :laughing: I like the first one more…


I had to google that, threw up some interesting videos ! Way too energetic for me. :rofl:


I think I finally got it :face_with_monocle:

Under cover of the noble goal of aiming to improve their distinct blues guitar skills, Blimmers are secretly honing the obscure art of playing blues bass.

How was I so blind to even consider “Baltimore Based Plues”. But no, in fact it’s all clear to see. BBP. Blues Bass Pros.


As my grandson is over on holiday, he is missing out on his Wednesday Bass lessons. His teacher is called Billy. When my daughter mentioned it today, my immediate thought was Yay #BBP Billy the Bass Player ! Close but no cigar. I think I might have woken you up a little too late the other weekend. :wink:


Then Lisa @Lisa_S remembered correctly, seems I have to listen to the recording tomorrow at work :slightly_smiling_face:


Or you could just ask Jeff Mcerlain :wink:

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What? Whaaat? Sorry, bit slow since I’m on cloud 9 after improvising with the Em minor scale to a backing track for the first time (Oh how much fun is that?!)

Sure yes. Or I can call :dizzy:


Blues Boogie Patterns?

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Without the woogie you get this. So no, sir :smiley:

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Wait, wait, didn’t Nicole H. chime on this discussion?!? Just trying for what made sense.

Toby. No. It cannot be that easy. It can’t … :joy: :joy: :joy:

That was on my list of many options…I dismissed it because I a) was too lazy to google the correct spelling of the P-word, and since I b) thought why should this be limited to the first B?


Sorry, Robert, I’m not quite sure if I follow…

My fault…i got lost in all those replies…