JokuMuu's Learning Log

Rogier, do I have to get worried? What is (was) happening? Someone barbecued something strange?

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We call that meat cremating instead of BBQing :grimacing:

I believe they are ready now :sweat_smile:


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Someone barbecued one of those guys in one piece?

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Lovely pic …
That BBQ in these times is sometimes quite difficult as a vegetarian who has become one because of the love for all animals… and then most people can’t do it well… :see_no_evil:


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Something very significant happened. Silly though it surely is :grinning: :dizzy: :tada:

Lately I started working from home two days per week and it seems there are benefits to that…

Grabbed my Gretsch in my coffee break … :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

Fretted F-barre. Played the finger picking pattern that I need for the Element of Crime song that I’m working on… And not a single string snarred. Not a single one.

Deadline for being able play this song with finger picking and smooth timely changes to and from F-barre is thus 29.7.25 :spiral_calendar:


Sounds great, Nicole!

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That’s something to be aware of Nicole…isn’t guitar learning so much about self-awareness? To me it was very helpful to closely obeserve fingerpicking hands, Justin’s first and then more and more from the Classical Guitar world as that happened to be the style I found myself in love to. Observing the pros and try to imitate is a great thing to do.

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Anyone said BBQ?! :yum:
Rogier do you eat fish? Ah well…they’re animals as well!

Most people except my husband …it might make you change your mind :wink:

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:slightly_smiling_face:Ooh … I remember the barbecued salmon my husband made once… It was so good :fish:

Last time I barbecued with friends we had (of course, unfortunately) meat and grilled champignons, which were really good … Hmm, combine that with homemade guacamole made by my friend, who is originally from Guatemala… it was really good… Only problem was building the grill from scratch and finding ways to heat those coals…

Reg. Being aware what is happening while playing guitar… Yes, that’s another thing I still have to learn :slightly_smiling_face:

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And it sounds like such a small thing, which is yet so big for me.

Something clicked in my mind. I don’t know how it happened. I will learn those barre chords. I can do it. It will take what it takes, but I don’t see them as major road blocks anymore :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think that’s the right attitude for barre chords. People generally want quick fixes / hacks or have unrealistic expectations thinking they’ll be like learning a D chord and they’re not. I practiced F for a few minutes each day and then moved on to more fun things. It took months but now I can play it without looking at my hand… it’s not always perfect, so the practice continues but I’m not scared when I see it in a song

Hi Nicole, I‘m late to the party! Kudos for your latest video, shows some nice fingerpicking and singing! Chocolate Jesus isn‘t that easy, ok, the chords are, but to get the vibe with changing bass notes whilst picking and singing is quite hard… you already did a good job on it and as this song is a keeper, I‘m sure you‘ll get it 100% under your fingers soon! You are definitely much further down the road as you think. I hope you also get some new input and motivation from music school and 1:1 lessons!

Happy to read that, it‘s such a wonderful song, I love it and I‘m already curious about your approach. Did you find a tutorial? How did you figure out the picking pattern?
Glad to hear, that you are happy with home office, might help you to get some five minutes of practice here and there during the day! Keep on

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You were talking about some YouTube tutorial, remember? :slightly_smiling_face: I had checked it and the patterns sounds really correct… and of course it has an alternating bass as well, so more all the more reason to invest some time into learning how to play simple alternating bass tones :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, five or ten minutes during lunch or coffee breaks is some kind of luxury for me :coffee:

Hope you are doing well :kissing_heart:

Indeed … on my holiday a few years ago the Grass Carp were waiting in the morning (no idea what they are called in English and very busy now) and they were waiting for a few buckets of grass and they liked it when you gently brushed them over their noses rubbed …That was my last fishing holiday…it wasn’t until about 2 years later that I stopped eating them…But about the BBQ…I was a master :sunglasses:…it’s not difficult at all if you keep it off for a long time. lights in advance … patience and oh well … I still BBQ of course, but with something slightly different than before… :smiley: :sunglasses:

Greetings :sunny:


Ahhh, didn‘t know, that it was helpful for you in the end. I just had a quick look into it, but didn‘t go into deep. Good to know! Maybe I‘ll give it a try myself, when I‘m coming back to picking.

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It’s fun… though the pattern is somewhat unusual apparently :slightly_smiling_face: He also recommends a strumming pattern… which might fit. I’m not sure there…

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Hm,… it’s not easy to find something 100% accurate, if it’s not a very popular song. I haven’t found another or better tutorial so far. At a first listen, it sounds pretty close to the original, doesn’t it? I’ll check this out when I have a little lesson my plate! Anyway, Have fun and be creative. If it sounds good, it is good :blush:!

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Buy a gas one Nicole. Best thing I ever did! :smiley:

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My parents in law have a gas grill. It’s surely easier to use. So I do understand what you mean. We had a lot of fun though, three women assembling the small grill struggling hard to understand instructions that make IKEA assembly manuals look like a dream. :grinning:

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Ah but the joys of making a fire, have a suitable beverage and enjoying it burn down before cooking . . . . I am still old-school that way, rather than succumbing to the clinical convenience of gas :joy: