JokuMuu's Learning Log

@MacOneill Hmm… well, I confess it’s quite pretty here…

A small boat with two guys in it passed some minutes ago. Perhaps they wondered if I was playing just that … I’ll take a look @rorystrat :slightly_smiling_face:

All good, Gordon @sairfingers . Guitar is safe. I’m a bit more wary of the big Northern Pikes sharing the lake with me… apparently they like to bite :shark:


Oh, what a beautiful place, Nicole! Enjoy! :heart:

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Hi Nicole,
I see you’ve gotten dry and sun again :sweat_smile: :sunglasses:… good nice video :sunglasses: :clap:
And a great place to play… :sunglasses:

Have fun and greetings …Weeeekend …in an hour here :smiley:

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It’s amazing what one day in the sun can do :sunny: Now it’s colder and raining again (of course…)

Enjoy your weekend :sunglasses:

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  • jealousy * :sweat_smile: :rofl:
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Sooo… drum roll, I guess :drum: :drum: :drum: @MacOneill :It’s finally clear when my in person lesson trial will start. The teacher called today to ask whether 18:00 next Monday (19.8.) would suit me. Hmm… yes it does.

Confessedly, I am very, very nervous about this. What if I will just sit there on Monday evening with a tomatored head and will not be able to play anything :tomato:? What if I don’t manage to get my wishes across clearly enough? What if the guy laughs at my flying fingers and especially at my stubborn ringfinger, that does not want to move independently from my pinky when doing the minimum movement exercise e.g? Chicken that I am… :chicken: :chicken: :chicken:

Who says that it won’t go well? The guy sounded nice on the phone. Yes, he has played in several bands. Yes, he has been involved in more than 600 studio recordings as session or studio musician, if I googled correctly. But he is also working for the local music school. That means, he should be used to teaching as well, doesnt it? :rainbow:


oh my , its even way before mine :smiley:
nobody works before the 10th of september here :rofl:

i hope it will be worth the wait

i can t wait to hear/ read your report :smiley:

no teacher would ever do that !!!

what did i say about positive thinking ? :sweat_smile:


Yes, I remember. That’s why I’m struggling hard not to give in to my chickening out urges :laughing:

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If he’s any good he won’t laugh. If he laughs, find a better teacher!


Write them down so you don’t forget and be as clear as you can when explaining them to the teacher.

It’s his job to help you not criticize you or laugh at you. If he does look for a new teacher.


Nicole, please stop the what-iffing (I’m an expert on that myself and it drives me crazy sometimes :face_with_spiral_eyes: :sweat_smile:) and just take a deep breath. I know, easier said than done, but it really helps. Focusing on what could go wrong makes it more likely that something goes wrong (been there, done that). Instead, think about all the cool stuff you might get to learn, any helpful insights and tips - essentially anything positive. :slight_smile:

If that guy sounded like a decent person on the phone, he probably will be as nice in real life, too. :slight_smile: Probably he has seen everything already and taught people that didn’t know how to hold a guitar before he met them. We all started somewhere and teachers normally know that. 99 % I’m sure he will be supportive and won’t laugh (and if so, he definitely is not a good teacher).

Regards communicating your wishes and goals, I second what Rick @stitch just said: write it down beforehand and take your notes with you, so you won’t forget something.

It’s great you don’t have to wait too long anymore to have your first lesson. It hopefully will wash all your doubts away in a heartbeat or two so you can enjoy the new way of learning to the fullest! :smiley:


@ziggysden @stitch @Lisa_S Of course you are all correct. No use in what-iffing as Lisa calls it.

I love the idea to write down my wishes, that will help a lot. Thank you so much! :slightly_smiling_face:


Nicole you might take into consideration to be more self-indulgent: I found your recording quite pleasant to my ear and more than good for a beginner!
And I loved the pictures :heart_eyes:

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Thank you so much. One fine day I might consider it :slightly_smiling_face:

when pigs will fly :rofl: :rofl:

sorry :sweat_smile:

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Pigs might learn to fly one day… :pig_nose:

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its cheating :rofl:

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If it’s any consolation i’ve just booked myself onto a guitar tech course (how to set up a guitar) which is something I’ve wanted to do for a while but the fear of being the most clueless person in the room (both in terms of doing maintenance and playing) has meant I’ve put it off for ages. I’ve now got a guitar with a buzz so it’s as good a time as any!

We tend to give too much mental energy to the very worst case scenarios that in reality are quite unlikely to happen, and even if they do then what does it actually matter? More positively, I could end up with a nicely setup guitar, be armed with more knowledge and even meet some local people with an interest in guitar!


You are correct, now is as good a time as any. What do we have to lose really? :slightly_smiling_face:

You will learn something really useful and how nice will it be meeting people with shared interest.

And I will go to the first lesson with a calm mind. I’m starting to look forward to it really. I have so many ideas how these in person lessons could be helpful in combination with JG. I might even ask him to help me writing a song about a flying pig :pig2: :balloon:


Hi Nicole, all the best for your first 1:1 session. I’m sure, it’ll be a great experience. I’d have the same odd feeling like you and can understand your thoughts, but as others have said, we tend to think about the worst case much too often. Save your energy and try to get the most out of it :star_struck:.
I assume, you are much further down the road than you think and you already have a solid basis to build on!
Have fun!

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