JokuMuu's Learning Log

You are learning the lesson of learning well grasshopper. :cricket: :cricket: :cricket:

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Looks as if I will be painting the fence and sanding the floor for a long time. But I’m beginning to slowly learn learning slowly @TheMadman_tobyjenner

And I’m trying to work on this whenever I can. Foot tapping seems to come very easily to me with my right foot (at least when listening to music). So at the The Hu concert on Wednesday, I experimented with moving, stomping (can’t really call that tapping anymore…) my left foot and leg to the beat consciously. Very, very weird feeling :laughing:

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A DDUUDU stroke pattern should be fairly efficient for fence painting. Probably a basic FBFBFBFB (forward back) would be better for sanding floors. :smiley:


Hmm… I wonder how you would play that on guitar @sairfingers ?

Nicole, your guitar playing on Wellenreiter sounds very good considering you have only been practicing for just over one year. You have a pleasant tone and consistent rhythm. Having a live or in person guitar teacher will enhance your progress.

Thanks, Steve. It’s too much of a compliment though :slightly_smiling_face: I don’t know, how do you count all that on and off playing over the years before JG - sometimes a lot, sometimes not at all for years and years?

Then… Hmm… I started with JG in May last year. Around September last year work stress took over, thus yet another break. Back to practicing in January this year before at some point work stress took over in April … So actual practicing time with JG is less than one year even. Strange, I have never thought like this.

Reg. combining in person lessons with JG: Yes, I really think that this is what works for me :slightly_smiling_face:


It was so much fun.

There hadn’t been a lesson last week. I had been ill for a few days and while I had practiced the very basic strumming of “Knockin’ on heaven’s door” over and over again, overall I had played less than I would have liked. So I was somewhat curious what would happen this time.

And it was so much fun.

We played together. Only one time unfortunately. Me the basic rhythm. Jari the melody or solo. Of course I didn’t play entirely flawlessly. But it was magic almost. I wasn’t nervous the slightest bit. Just kept the rhythm by tapping my left foot, listened to Jari playing and played.

Outcome is that my teacher is happy with me and I have apparently graduated to a bit more difficult stuff. So for this week I will work on my scales as Jari insists that they have to sound good as well (not like staccato) and on “Have you ever seen the rain” (in G). Justin has a lesson on the song (in C), but it’s the strumming that I’m after for now… so watching the video a few times will be on my list this week as well.


Nicole, it’s great to read your in person lessons turn into so much fun! :smiley:

Surely, they will accelerate your learning (while still slowing down of course) and will keep the joy of playing alive.

Hope you are feeling better by now health wise. Take care. :four_leaf_clover:

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oh ? is it the same one im working on ?
in the lesson its a rythm with the old faithful , thats what you re gonna practice on ?

Eighth notes. Up down strumming with accents on two and four… If I can. Let’s see… No stress :slightly_smiling_face:

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I was tempted to ask Jari to slow it down when he looked at me and said “We have to find you something more difficult” :sunglasses:

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