Bedroom rock show at half a watt blows the door off
Me attending monthly guitar classes with zero in my bank account to pay for the classes.
I don’t get it.
5 posts were split to a new topic: Asked ChatGPT to generate a poem in the style of Tolkien, about someone learning to play Blues guitar. Pretty uncanny result…
He’s obviously a craftsman with his own priorities.
His guitar is quite basic whereas his hat stand is quite elaborate!
Missing the Katana 100w
Not quite… Stacy beat you to it by a day
What I’m learning is a bunch of us also lurk in r/guitar lol
Lurking is about all a person can do in r/guitar because as soon as you ask a question you either get criticized for not practicing enough or they mock you into oblivion on r/guitarcirclejerk.
What’s r/guitar? A reddit group?
r/guitar is a sub reddit , a pretty awful one tbh i subscribe to r/guitars instead, smaller but more relaxed mods.