Just wanted to congratulate Justin


I’ve been “with you” for 3.5 years now. I can vouge for guitarworld.com that you are the best teacher. This article just hit 4 hours ago Best free online guitar lessons 2024: Where learning guitar costs nothing | Guitar World. Thanks for giving me the motivation to keep going.

Also, thank you to all those who participate and run the forum. I don’t participate much in the forums due to family commitments, but am with youas a supportive lurker.

Thank you Open Mic crowd. I did do one once! I hope someday to do another. I just hate my singing voice.

The one thing I’m not thankful for is because of all you, I just think about guitar all day. I can’t get any work done because I’m daydreaming too much.

Cheers Friends,



Very cool Scott, passed it on to Justin right away.

Good to hear you’ve got guitar on your mind :smiley:


Yeah, I read that earlier. I was a bit put off by their “reasons to avoid” entry of “no female instructors.” What difference does that make either way? Male or female, quality is quality!


Yeah, i thought the same thing. It’s a one man show. What else do you expect? I mean the guy goes out of his way to promote being charitable, kind, respecter of all, and gushes over his daughter (as he should). It was just a silly thing to say. I mean if these were in person lessons, then maybe a female learner would feel more comfortable with a female teacher. But come on, it’s the internet! It’s not like Justin has any idea who i am, LOL.

On the other hand I respected them for putting justin over their own material.


:rofl: :roll_eyes: it didn’t even register that JG has no female instructors. Surely gender shouldn’t matter, especially these days. Their first reason to avoid is that there are no ‘zany madcap instructors’ though… :thinking:
I mean, if they’re looking for ‘reasons to avoid’ and that’s all that they come up with then it says good things about JG.


Congratulations Justingiuitar :tada: :piñata:
But what kind of reviewer gives second and third place more stars than first? :thinking:
Also they missed out the best feature of this site-
The Community :sunglasses:
Take a bow, ladies and gents :rofl:


Mr Larsen your words are very wisely spoken! Congratulations to Justin as it must feel great when your work is so positevely aknowledged…

Congratulations to all the Team for supporting him so professionaly

…and congrats to us all lively JG learners.:partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:…no Teacher can be defined as such without his/her kids :wink:
:champagne::clinking_glasses::champagne::clinking_glasses::champagne::clinking_glasses: cheers my friends!
And once more thank you for the Community…it’s an amazing tool for learning and it makes all the difference! :blush:


Worthy and deserved, may JG continue to inspire people to learn!
:heart: :guitar: