Just when you decide to stop learning new songs

Good grief. A little while ago i thought it would be good to stop learning new songs, i have learnt quite a few, and focus on practising the songs i know best, and enjoy playing. Tben some #@*% puts something on the Internet about the stairway to heaven solo being played in
A minor pentatonic. Of course, after a couple of beers, I had to have a lookā€¦ and now Iā€™m learning another new thing! Does this happen to anyone else, or is it just me?




Happens to me all the time.


I assume this is fairly normal. On a daily basis Iā€™m adding stuff to the ā€˜to doā€™ list. I have been listening to this solo recently, itā€™s gone on the list, especially as I read itā€™s in A minor pentatonic plus an F note. Something to aim for in the future for me, lot to remember, lots of techniques. Good luck with it.


Follow the white rabbit :rabbit2::heart:


The same here. Iā€™ve made a list with songs Iā€™d like to learn. But then, the songs Iā€™m actually working on are completely different ones :sweat_smile:.


Always new things added to the list!! But I canā€™t ever say Iā€™ve ever made the call to stop learning new songs in parallel to the rest of my learning. Usually 3 on the go at various stages of development.

Embrace the variety :wink::+1::guitar:

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Went for a run this morning for the first time in ages. Always have one of my many tempo playlist on for consistent pace. Another couple of songs popped up on the run, that now seem reachable and added to the To Learn list. Guess it never stops and why would you want it to ? Simples.


:see_no_evil: guilty! My songbook tends to be a constant mess and I have to tide it up from time to time. I get constantly inspired from the music I listen to and think to myself ā€œit wonā€™t harm to check the chords and if thereā€™s a tutorial!ā€ :joy: The only way I have to resist the temptation is not printing it out!


Exactly Silvia. Unfortunately it only takes a second to screen print :laughing:

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Iā€™m luckier on this aspect, since it takes me so much time to really learn one song from start to finish, I only print if I have worked the lyrics out through a word processor, have the structure of the song super clear, and I donā€™t print the chords, I write them by handā€¦but I find myself doing this first step study of the song quite often then I print and as a result I have more printed musicsheets that I would actually be able to learn :joy:


I think I have the opposite problem. Yes, I have a long and growing list of songs I want to learn, but I get bogged down in continuing to work in the set of songs I already know. Damn perfectionist in me I suppose, coupled with a summer of some practice limitations.

I find it harder to embark on the process of learning a new song than to consolidate (endless processšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø) the songs of my repertoire.


I am trying to ā€˜perfectā€™ a playlist of about 20 songs i love playing, but cant resist seeong how hard something is to play once i see a snippet on YouTube or a tab on FB . My own worst enemy :rofl:

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Quite often but fortunately I donā€™t get round to them all :rofl:

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My biggest problem is Justin, everything that appears here from his hand / guitar I just have to look at it and give it a swing (usually he is fortunately also the quick solution of the ā€œproblemsā€ he creates :sweat_smile:) ā€¦ But man man man how many new songs can you do appear and then you also have the good people from the community which remains song lessons bumping :roll_eyes:ā€¦ There are now 15 tabs open at the top of my taskbar :see_no_evil:

Now on to another James Taylor song -You`ve got a friend :sunglasses:



This was a huge problem for me for a bit. I had a list of 70 songs that I wanted to learn at one point or another.

However I found that it just wasnā€™t really being beneficial to me and was as another had said, bogging me down. So I went to the drawing board, went over the material I needed to brush up on, picked songs that went with my holistic practice approach and ditched 50 songs. Kept with the ones I really liked to play, and went with the songs that progressed me further, this is a trial and error thing for me. Most songs I really donā€™t like to play, will only show itā€™s light after I play for a bit. I figured the first AVOYP I had posted would be a song I kept. Bob Marleyā€™s - Stir it up. But nope, havenā€™t practiced that one for ages now and is off the list. Not something I need to go in the direction I wish to go and keep in the campfire book, the progression book and to learn book that made sense to where I wish to be. Iā€™m going with the know a few songs really well and others not so much routine.

Keeping the ones I know really well for OMā€™s and playing for peeps. Hence you wonā€™t see me posting those in AVOYP most of the time. There will always be an exception. More than likely post my dry run for OMā€™s.

So in the end, really focus on where you are heading and what is really important to you, what you love and what you are practicing. Make it fun but not overbearing. Having a direction and holistic practice routines, you can cut those numbers down!!

Oh, self awareness very important here when this happens to you! Donā€™t get caught in the trap!!!

Rock on!! :love_you_gesture::sunglasses::+1: