Justin Guitar Andriod App Cost - 2023

Just a basic question, but I don’t see the price of the Justin Guitar Android App listed anywhere. But - perhaps I’m just missing it.

What is the annual cost for the Android version of the Justin Guitar App now in 2023?

Thanks! :wink:

Under ‘store’ → ‘apps’ it says “USD 9.99/month or USD 89.99/year
(prices may vary depending on location, tax, and sales.)”. And you get the strumming foundations course in the package.

I’m as blind as I bat. I must have scrolled over that price information a half a dozen times.
Thanks much!

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Hummm. Now I see where I missed it.

If you open Store and go to Apps under Store Catagories, you’ll see the price for the Lessons and Songs App.
Link: https://www.justinguitar.com/store/apps
If you open Store and go to the Lessons and Songs App link under Popular Products, there is no pricing information in that link.
Link: https://justinguitarapp.com

So I guess I didn’t “miss it.” The link I followed looks to have no pricing. However, again, I’m blind as a bat so many there is and I just don’t see it.