JustinGuitar Accoustic Electric Jam September in England

I was quite excited to read in the latest Newsletter that Justin was hosting this course in England this September. Then I saw the price. I’m not exactly a cash strapped pensioner, but ……£2700 per student for 5 days Monday to Friday. Come on……
I’m afraid my interest stopped there.


I understand where you’re coming from, Gordon, and in the past have almost posted the same sentiments for guitar workshops abroad :smiley:
You can pay a lot more for a week’s holiday on the luxury market if you want, and this is a unique experience. He has to limit the numbers one way or another, and it’s his job, so it makes sense. I would seriously consider it if I were a better player and more dedicated to learning guitar.
I have never met anyone who spent a lot of money (even ridiculous amounts) on something they really enjoyed and regretted it afterwards.
You an’ me are not the target clients… yet :wink:


I thought you two were too busy anyway planning your tour of the UK?

The location booked normally costs around £800 for the 5 days bed, breakfast and dinner. There will also be costs involved for booking the room for practising, so the residential delegate packages probably costs about £1500. If only the travelodge had meeting rooms :thinking:

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It’s a unique experience. Not cheap but seems like a fair price for what it is. Actually less than some week long corporate training courses too (which are way less fun).


yikes….thats $3442. add on airfare, food and drink and incidentals and we are talking $5-6k. :pleading_face:

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It’s a lot of money for sure, but if I had the money I would book it in a heartbeat.
But there is so much good free stuff Justin gives us, I think I’ll keep myself occupied


Yeah definitely at the premium side of things and I can understand why. However there are plenty of other companies running similar breaks with perhaps less well known instructors at more reasonable prices.

Certainly something I’d consider just as something different and an opportunity to develop my playing in a different way. Would be good to get away no distractions, focus on a bit of group learning and play with others.

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I guess Justin and others live in the UK and need to earn their keep somehow + accomodation in the UK is generally expensive. My suggestion would be for Justin to go to less expensive to live in countries as well, where accommodation would be cheaper even if you include costs of transportation. Eastern Europe block is a beautiful place to visit where final workshop price potentially could be lower and bring more people in because of it.


You can come to South Africa for workshops. Beautiful venues, lovely climate, most affordable when paying with GBP, EUR, and USD. I know we have our power issues but never fear, venues are now generally equipped with either solar generation or backup generators :grin:

Seriously, I guess the absolute cost, value for money, and affordability will always be a personal perspective. Luckily we have the website to learn from based on a volutary donation model.


I’m with David on this, there will be people who can afford it without even thinking of the price, people who will save for one or two years because he/she really wants to take part to it, people who would give up the usual holidays…it depends on the point of view and on the personal situation. I wouldn’t be able to give up my holidays as they’re really healthy for my husband especially(for me too!) who works during the year more hours than the clock can count (not sure you have the same saying in english, but you get the meaning)…but who knows maybe one day when he’ll be retired and maybe start with the electric guitar (he’s so talented both with his ear and Rhythm!)…who knows what life brings, maybe we’ll go together :blush::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::star_struck: