Justinguitar Begineer's Songbook Challenge

Hi folks,

Iā€™m undusting the Begineerā€™s Songbook and I decided to set myself a challenge:

Iā€™d like to record a cover of each song of the book

Considering that there are 100 songs in the book and I only recorded ā€œDonā€™t you (forget about me)ā€ so far, there are only 99 songs leftā€¦

Also, I only can get round to recording 1 song each weekā€¦ well, if there are a couple of very straight forward songs and Iā€™m inspired, I might record them the same day but then, there are some which are REALLY difficult and Iā€™ll need some more time.

So, if Iā€™m able to keep my current steady pace of practice (4 days x 1 hour and 1 day x 3 hours each week), I would like to complete my challenge within 2 years.

One aspect that Iā€™m thinking about is the order. I think Iā€™m gonna be trying to jump between different stages but trying not to repeat a stage till I recorded one song of each of them. For instance, if I record a song from stage 4, I canā€™t record another one from that stage till I recorded 9 songs from the rest of the stages. Hope it makes sense :joy:

This weekend Iā€™m gonna give a stage 4 song a tryā€¦ :zipper_mouth_face:

Letā€™s see if Iā€™m disciplined enough to fulfill my mission or this text isnā€™t worth the space it takes up!


JosƩ, I love your challenge to yourself. I also love your user name: @Josestrummingpattern - brilliant!

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Phew! At first I thought you were challenging all of us to do the same! :sweat_smile: I like your idea though, I look forward to seeing you complete this!


Actually that would be an interesting challenge for all those working their way through the beginners grades to learn, record and post every song in the JG beginner song books. A very good learning experience.

Oh, no! Iā€™m not the type of guy that challenges other people, I like everybody to flow freelyā€‹:v::grin:

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I might be biting more than I can chew, but if this message is helping others to get some motivation/inspiration, that will inspire me as well :muscle::grin:


I can tell you from experience that thereā€™s a lot of skill and knowledge that you can glean from Justinā€™s songbooks. Really cool, wish you all the luck getting through these.


Yeah, itā€™s the only book on playing the guitar that Iā€™ve got and Iā€™ve learnt A LOT from it during the first period that I worked with it. Now I want to get better results as I know it can help me.

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I have both vol 1 and 2 od his beginner songbooks. I didnā€™t have the app until recently and I needed something! Then, of course, I discover Walk of Life by Dire Straits is supposed to be played at 178bpm, not the 80ish Iā€™ve been doing. :rofl: Yeah, that speed ainā€™t happening for a while. I can barely go above 108 with any consistency!


Oh, I love that tune! That opening riff with the keyboard brings me back to my childhood. It sounds like a sunny morning on a summerā€™s day, starts waking up pleasantly slowly and all of a sudden, there youā€™ve got lotā€™s of fun!

Getting speed with the strumming is hard sometimes, but until youā€™re able to keep up with the original recording thereā€™s always room for creativity. A cover is a cover after all! :grin:

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Hahahaha! Thatā€™s got a story behind. I called a couple of old friends to meet and try to play something. Once we were there one asked: ā€œwhat do we play?ā€ And I said: ā€œIā€™ve got this little tune, the strumming pattern goes like thisā€.

The funny thing was that we are Spanish but I didnā€™t know how to say strumming pattern in Spanish. They took the mickey out of me quite a lot and it was a very enjoyable afternoon :grin:


Pretty sure I can strum at that speed (maybe not fancy strumming), but there wonā€™t be any accompanying chord changes! :rofl: :rofl:

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Yeah, I also struggle with chord changes when the song is fast. Stiff little fingers, you knowā€¦ :grin:

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