Justin recently visited his friend Lee Andertons. Here’s the full video. And here’s a gift from Andertons to you! Use code JUSTINGUITAR at checkout and get 10% off EastCoast, Alvarez, and Sire guitars before December 21, 2023. Exclusions may apply.
I recognised Lee Anderton but who is the other chap? I thought Justin had a cap permanently glued to his head.
I’m not in the market for an entry level guitar but if I were I’d be buying one of those EastCoast electric guitars - or quite possibly 2 of them! That was a really nice video intro to the different styles of electrics, they all sounded great and Justin’s saying they all play nice too. The prices are also ridiculously good. These sure seem like perfect guitars for new players.
yeah the problem when you are starting out is you’ve no idea what is good or bad.
Wow, at that price, I could start a collection Bring them to Canada
They should have a bundle : Buy 4 and get 1 free.
I know I’m wasting my energy, and that is a convention (that I don’t understand how it got started), but referring to that as tremolo drives me crazy. Tremolo is variation in amplitude (volume) like a Leslie speaker cabinet does. What that bar does is vibrato, variation in frequency (pitch.)
A battle well and truly lost
Nobody would mistake Chris Rea for Justin right?
Nice watch.
And don’t forget kids to bring your hard work and dedication.