Justin's Songbooks INDEX of all volumes listed here

I finally did this for my own use, and thought others may be interested.

I’ve got all (most?) of Justin’s songbooks, which I find vastly preferable to any of the online songbooks (including Justin’s, sorry).

I love them. I have Vol 1, Vol 2, Rock, and Acoustic.

I hate how there is NO BLOODY INDEX. Just a table of contents. So whenever I think “I wonder if X is in there…?”, it ends up being an exercise in frustration.

I put them all in a Google spreadsheet. Search, sort how you like. Make a copy for yourself, whatever!


Welcome John, I will take a copy this is something that I keep meaning to do for myself. Why don’t you head over here Introduce yourself ... - JustinGuitar Community and tell us a little more about you. Enjoy your stay.


Really cool good job :+1:

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How nice of you! Thank you for sharing with everyone. :smiling_face:

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if and when I get them, I’ll add Pop, Vintage, and Aussie… but all the buying options I’ve found so far are UK based. If anyone knows a source on the US side of the pond, please advise.

Edit: ah heck, going to buy these 3 from MusicRoom