Key Signatures Recognition

Working on this section now and I thought that when you look at the scale creation, the sharps are placed on the staff in order they come in the scale

ie: D maj - d e f# g a b c# d
and the sharps come in that order

But when we get to f#major, that isn’t the same

f# major - F# G# A# B C# D# E# F#
but the sharps on the diagram are listed
f# c# g# d# a# e#

So what am I missing?

Additionally, F# Major, the last sharp is on the note E - 1 semitone higher than E is F, 1 Tone higher than e is F#, this is the same for C#major, where the last sharp is on the b, 1 semitone higher is C, 1 tone higher is c#.

Looking for some guidence.

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Not quite. The order of the sharps/flats on the staff follows the circle of fifths. Or Mr. Cato’s key signature trick if you prefer that.

The sharps and flats always appear in the same order:

F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E# and B#
Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb, Fb

To create the F# major scale, you use each natural note once (F G A B C D E) and insert the first six sharps.

F#, G#, A#, B, C#, D#, E#

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ok got it… I thought it was how they appeared in the scale. So that makes sense.

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At last, this is now fixed. :slight_smile: