Knock It Out Of The Park Remix Original

Hey guys just wanted to share the updated version in a new thread!

Starts off kinda sounding the same but to a big surprise Domi7 made it to wear it kinda builds upon the listener!

Dominique7 had the urge to frankenstein this song together kinda and its just a taste!

Hopefully Me Aly and Domi7 can make an adult version and whoever else that wants to join in!

Just wanted to share and a big thanks to Dominique7 for sharing his ideas and Aly in writing this!


I like the changes, especially the second vocal, :+1: :+1: It’s all sounding a lot more interesting and catchy.

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Hello Byron,

listened to whole song and I really enjoyed it. Great job. :slight_smile:

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Sounding very good: your vocal seems more confident and the guitars are better syncd. Very impressive.


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Great job guys. Really well written song with catchy lyrics. :sunglasses:

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Thanks guys! Alykat did the writing! Shes a master song-writer! :slight_smile: I just gave her some ideas and BOOM! Lol. Domi7 mixed in his thoughts on what the song should sound like and added in his stuff. He added the extra electric guitar during the chorus and dubbed my vocals!

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Byron, I listened to all of your video and it sounds good to me so far. It has a good chord progression and solo and the lyrics work with the song. Also, nice looking Tele.

Stay tuned for the full adult version coming soon.
More in depth singing & playing & a rework of the lyrics.