Hello all!
It is time for my monthly upload of me playing and I’m happy to share the fragment of my participation in the Open Mic XI .
The nervousness didn’t allow me to introduce properly the song. It is “La canción del pirata” from Tierra Santa. I wanted to share this song with you for some reasons:
First, it is a song from a great Spanish band, so I wanted to promote a bit of my local culture
Secondly, the lyrics of the song aren’t original by the band. It is, actually, a very popular Spanish poem. The author is José de Espronceda and was published in 1835. I don’t know if they still do it at school, but when I was in middle school, we had to learn the poem by heart. The poem “La canción del pirata” means “The pirate song”. It talks about the freedom of a pirate that doesn’t care about all the politics and material stuff that kings, nobles, and people, in general, do on the mainland.
I’d had liked to say too, that my performance was a tribute to the bass player of the band (Roberto Gonzalo) who suffered recently a heart attack on stage. Gladly he is well and sound. Hope he can completely recover and see them again live.
As I said in the OM (the only thing I managed to say ), it is a very special song for me. It was one of the first Power Metal songs I’ve listened to. And one of the first songs I tried to learn at my first failed attempt to learn guitar 15 years ago. So I’m very happy to finally be able to perform it in front of such a great audience as JGC.
On the side of things to improve… it would’ve been great if I had recorded my local audio. But at least I have the recording from the OM to remember this milestone of my guitar journey (Thank you to all that make this possible). I said that I had the goal of performing in an Open Mic before the year ends. And I did it! . I’ll have to revisit my goals and start to think of the goals for the coming year.
I’ve been reading the logs of the Zoom chat and wow, thank you all for such a great support during my performance. And all of you that were with your horns up in front of the camera (@brianlarsen, I saw you a couple of times head-banging so hard that I thought you were going to hit the computer
And that’s it, I leave here my performance for the record