Lay Me Low (Nick Cave)

I don’t know much Nick Cave, maybe only what I’ve heard you play (!), so I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this. Enough to check out iTunes and ‘invest’ in The Boatman’s Call. Not one of your suggestions, but it gets great reviews online and as a bonus it was only $5.99. :slightly_smiling_face:

The video was perfect too

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A dirty dirge indeed Brian!
Well done.

Cheers, Shane

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You’ll not be surprised to hear that I don’t know the song Brian. I admire your ability to put collaborations together and produce something like this. Clearly a load of work has gone into putting all this together. Entertaining and artistic as ever.
I ticked both boxes in your consumer survey as I was both treated and tricked. :grinning:

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Always a treat from you, Brian! (Delicately laced with a hint of trick as well of course :wink: :sweat_smile:)
Sooooo dug listening to that! :smiley: Pulled me straight to 3am at the pointy end of a massive bender with some great mates! Perhaps something for the community to aspire to at some future point when stars align and we meet for a grand night of guitar, drinks and song! :guitar: :beers: :partying_face: :wink: :sweat_smile:


Nothing like a New Orleans (end of life) Knees Up, great film, were you on location !!

What a great start to Jour De Toussaint, I can hear the spirits listening in. :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: Superb Larsen colab sir congrats to you all. No critique from me I just wallowed in the misery and humour.

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Fabulous Brian and tip the hat to the rest of the band.

Smart use of the Trio to create a rough version to communicate the ideas.

Hope you feel sufficient love … yes I saw the needy begging over in the lick challenge topic :grin:


Definite treat Brian. A great feel to it and your vocals were very good. Well done!

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Its the start lol


Your productions are always a treat to me, Brian :hugs:. Good Halloween vibes :jack_o_lantern:. Enjoyed it a lot on this morning after our Halloween kids party :grin:.

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Well Brian,
It would seem there is a lot of Larson in this one! Were there no female Larsons to be had?

Good stuff and I enjoyed the mix too. You have come a ways since just a video of you strumming your 6 string! Sounding and looking good.

Keep it up and we will call you the overachiever!

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First impression was the interesting ceremonial dance on the video. I love ceremonies like that - Military events, school bands…

And yes, definitely a treat from you. Strong, intense, animated vocals.

I noticed your credits. You’ve got a band there!

Well done!!


:rofl: Open goal Amanda, correct answer was “Yours” (to quote the film :frowning: )


Definitely Treated :blush: That’s a hauntingly eerie but well played and sung performance Brian :clap:t4:

Did you perform all the vocals yourself or was there someone else singing with you? Either way the singing really complemented the guitar playing amazingly well :+1:t3:

I played it for my two elder teenage daughters and they approved of your performance (one nodded, the other grunted approvingly) which is high praises coming from teenagers :rofl:

Whoops never mind. Saw the credits. I’m a credit skipper (darn Marvel movies trained me to always skip the credits and look for the post credit scene) :rofl:

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Goodness, so much love in so little time :open_mouth: :heart:

Cheers @Eddie_09 I gather it’s bigger on your side of the pond. You too :grinning:

@ToshS aws, thanks Buddy :smile:

Nick Cave famously crooned “Your Funeral… My Trial:laughing:
I’m a reformed man, so ain’t sayin’ nothin’ 'bout the past :wink:

@Mari63 Hehe, you should know better than not to follow my recommendations :laughing:
Boatman is highly critically acclaimed and has some cool songs on it, but No more shall we part is one of those ‘complete’ albums for me. (Your lovely McGarrigle sisters also feature on it :wink:)
Can’t argue with $6 though. Thank you

@sclay Dirty? :thinking: I
I suppose Mr. Cave’s fiddle player’s band is called the Dirty Three, and we do have fiddle here too.
Cheers mate :grinning:


You need the right people with a generous attitude :grinning: A lot of the pleasure is the interactions (far more than the result :laughing:)
But yes, you are right- It’s a lot of work, esp. if you know that you can get a slightly better result with an extra load of effort :roll_eyes:
Much appreciated, my friend

@nzmetal Hehe, you prob’ly thought they were all walking ‘normal’ :laughing:
It’s a hard task to organise a global piss-up, but who knows there may be regional ‘chapters’ developing if Justin keeps growing as he is :grinning:

@TheMadman_tobyjenner learn something new everyday. At first it looked like a derivative from tousser (cough, cough…). Doh!
Many mercis from Merseyside :grinning:

@DavidHats off’ to the band indeed :grinning:
Unfortunately my Copenhagen cousin Lars was unable to participate this time, but he did suggest a possible visit next year for a ‘musical’ holiday. Chris then said he’d join in. Next thing you know my brother in Dublin says maybe we should hire a rehearsal room. They don’t realise this is a virtual band. And I call the shots, not them! :roll_eyes:
Thank you for the love.
Can’t ever get enough… :wink:

@MadModMcd Ta for the listen and compliments. Much appreciated :grinning:


@NicoleKKB Vielen Dank Nicole :grinning:
I’m sure you’re feeling a lot better than Jeff after his 3am booze up! :laughing:

@LBro Very good of you to drop in, Brother!
I’m afraid the female Larsens are the ones with the brains and more sense than trying to shout ‘Look at me!’ to strangers :rofl:
The lo-fi strum’n’sing Larsen is still very much alive and kicking. Just other things have been taking my time. I’ll be back!
(I saw you dropped a track earlier and will get round to appreciating later :grinning:)

@pkboo3 Thanks Pam :grinning: much appreciated!
comments re ‘the band’ in David’s response :wink:

@firasR Thank you, my friend :grinning:

Oh, I don’t really mind mentioning “Yes, I performed ALL the vocals myself” (including double-tracked backing harmonies) :rofl: :rofl:
A teenage ‘grunt’ is high praise indeed :laughing:

I shall leave you all (and wind up Halloween) with my slightly risqué costume :rofl:


And this is where crossdressing started :joy:


Dear Brian, I needed a few days to decide, if it’s a treat or trick for me to watch your latest production :wink:, finally decided: it’s a treat, of course!
Great production again! So nice to see you collaborating with family members and friends! And great idea to combine this melancholic tune with the funeral video. I’m a big fan of that way to say good bye! Music until the last “step”! Great idea to pick this up!
So far, so good…I’ m sitting in a train right now and scrolled down the thread till your Halloween costume appeared, hmpf…the guy sitting next to me almost fell from his seat :rofl:. Now he’s looking at ME as if I were a bit crazy :flushed:. He asked me, who this strange Mr Larsen is and if this would be the right company for a nice woman like me… :rofl:. I resisted to show him the other costume…
Thanks for sweetening my day :rofl:!


No Rogier-
That’s where it ends :roll_eyes: :rofl:

That’s so nice, Helen. Making strangers smile/laugh is a great bonus! :laughing:
I have no idea what funerals are like in Germany. (My brother died there, but we brought the body to be buried in France). They’re kind of dismal affairs in the UK. A good Irish funeral can be an extremely enjoyable experience, even when sad


A most enjoyable and well put together production.

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Ta for stopping by James, much appreciated :grinning:

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