Layout slightly broken on course lesson list

I havenā€™t unlocked the music theory course and the third module, Major Scale Theory & Key Signatures lessons list is slightly broken when viewing; with it stuck to the left of the page.

Affected page:

I have attached a screenshot below so you can see what I mean. :slight_smile:

the screenshot is not the strumming course, rather the theory courseā€¦ā€¦once you pay for theory module 3 it will unlock.

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Oops! Youā€™re right, thatā€™s what I get for writing a thread late at night, fixed my post. :slight_smile:

The page formatting is broken slightly, with the contents hugging the left side of the page, I havenā€™t paid for the course yet but I will do it soon. :slight_smile:

Thanks for alerting an issue you can see Lewis.
For me, I see it normally so Iā€™m wondering if it is due to you not having paid the sub to access those parts.

Can anyone else confirm if what Lewis sees is replicated on your screens?

Also, @lewislarsen what device are you on?

Richard @Richard_close2u

Grade 3 onwards of theory course looks fine for me.

Michael :+1:

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