Learning to Play Left Handed

I am a true Noobie to playing guitar. Even though I have wanted to most of my life. My question is Nitsuj’s course work for a true noob like me? Thank you for the help and wish an old man good luck


Ray @WizardT
Welcome to the community and you are definitely in the right place.
Nitsuj is definitely a good indication how a beginner progresses, but bear in mind Justin knows what he should be doing so he should be better than most beginners. I certainly found it reassuring to see him struggle.
I am right handed so can’t help a lefty but number of topics in the community about that.
Michael :grinning:

Welcome to the Forum Ray
Nitsuj is not a course. It’s videos of Justin learning left handed using the Beginner Course.
Justin’s Beginner Course will work for Right or Left handed people. You’ll have to decide if you want to learn Right or Left handed. Some lefties have to play left. My wife falls under this category and had not problem learning left handed from Justin’s beginner course.

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Hey Ray

Welcome to the community. Learning guitar is one of the more rewarding things I’ve done in a long time. Look forward to hearing more from you.


Hi Ray

As @stitch says Nitsuj is not a course as such. That said, I’m very definitely left handed and haven’t had any problem learning in the 12 months I’ve been doing so. Both of my guitars are left-handed models.

One thing I struggled with at the start, and still do, is chord diagrams. One of the users here made a very useful chord diagram generator and he very kindly modified it for me to generate left handed diagrams.

Go your hardest.

I’m Ray,

Welcome to the neighbourhood. One of the most enjoyable things I’ve done in a long time was learning the guitar. Looking forward to hearing from you further.