Linkin Park for June

Hi everyone. I’m sure this is not what you expected to hear from the song crawling. I tried it a couple years ago and couldn’t get it right. I decided to pull it out of the memory bank since I could connect with it lately. Not much new music lately. I’ve been busy practicing strumming, strumming, and more strumming to get better at the basics.

Happy Monday



I decided to share this one as well. It’s called Burn it Down. I played this one as a duet at the beach with my daughter recently. So here goes. I think I need to lighten the strums on the baby Taylor. But it was handy so I played it .


Hi Jeff,
Enjoyed watching/listening to both your posts. Your strumming is definitely improving. My main observation was that particularly in the first video you appeared to be holding a lot of tension in your body, but I feel that this will settle down as the strumming becomes more of a subconscious thing. I have struggled with strumming for ages, and I would say that only after 3 years have I now got used to using a pick and started to improve a little. Good to see your progress and thanks for sharing :clap: :slightly_smiling_face:

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It sounds OK but watching you play I agree with Tim, you look quite tense while you’re playing and I think I know why. You’re playing standing up and I don’t see a strap supporting your guitar, so you’re playing while supporting the guitar, that’s not good - you should be able to let go of the guitar and it should be supported. I think that this would probably improve your playing.

Hi Jeff,

good to see you up here :ok_hand: I enjoyed both of these and I think your work on strumming is paying dividends, I can see the difference in both of these songs, well done mate, :clap:. And I would add that you also, at times pick songs that could be challenging either rhythmically or lyrically so well done on getting these out.

Keep it up mate. :+1:

Hi Tim,

Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment. What you said about using a pick had me thinking about that I need to start using a pick again. I spent a lot of time perfecting hand strumming and often the sound is quiet compared to using a pick, especially when I play in front of a group. That was the same comment last Saturday at the beach. Someone mentioned I should play louder.

I think I will spend some time going back to strumming with a pick and play electric guitar again with something that rocks harder.

Have a great day.


Hi Darrell,

Thanks for reviewing the song. Yeah I thought about the strap too and should have taken the time to put it back on I was playing my daughter’s guitar spontaneously and could have easily played my full size Martin lol. I wasn’t really tense or nervous but I guess two people said it so I looked like it.

I try to hold myself accountable to post a video now and then once I feel I’ve mastered a song so I don’t get off track. Thanks again for the feedback.

Have a good day


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Hi Craig,

I’m glad you liked the music and appreciate you listening. I’ve spent most of the year so far just trying to get my strumming in a good place thanks to Justin’s SOS strumming course. Still more work to do but better than I was.

I don’t think there was much interest in the songs as I didn’t hear much from the community. I have a 12 year old daughter who is also learning guitar and she often chooses Linkin Park songs to learn . We played a rather good duet of the second song at our local beach recently and got some comments from onlookers. Her singing voice is much better than mine. What I would give to have started this journey at age 11 or 12 instead of now as an old man lol. Have a great day.


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Doing good Jeff! I love acoustic renditions of rocking songs. I have a real soft spot for the intimacy of the acoustic over a full band. Keep it up man!

Hi Ed,

Thanks for stopping by to listen. I’m hoping to eventually due a solo act at local restaurants playing acoustic. There’s a guy here named Travis who plays is own gigs in New York that really inspired me to try it and he has about the same level of experience. @Traveler is amazing . It is a pleasure to meet you. I’ve been through Oklahoma many times over the years and I always thought it was a nice place with good people. I live in San Diego and I’ve been doing this with Justin Guitar about 3 years now. I hope you’re enjoying the journey of guitar. Have a great weekend.


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I think your strumming practice is totally paying off - even some dynamics being inserted, particularly in the second song. Great progress!

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Hi Phil:

Thanks a lot for listening and commenting. I appreciate the feedback mate.

Nice meet you as well. I was out to Sunset Beach year before last. Nice weather out there. I got started with Justin about two years ago. I practiced for maybe a month or so before life took over. I piddled a little off and on but never much. I only just got back in it a little over a month ago. Things are starting to click now though and I’m really enjoying it. Have a great weekend yourself!

Hi Jeff, you improved a lot! Your strumming is much more consistent than before. Well done on both songs. :slight_smile:

Hi Boris,

Thanks for listening and I appreciate your kind words. Have a great day.

Nice job Jeff. Nice steady rhythm.

The only thing I’d change is the NY Yankees hat. (I live in Boston).

Hi Mike,

Thanks for listening and the positive feedback. I’ve spent all year so far trying to improve strumming and dynamics. I think a lot of people miss that step and try to learn more and more without mastering the basics. I looked at the comments from several of my songs the past year or so and so many have politely said you need to fix your strumming and you sound boring lol. So i finally enrolled in Justin’s SOS strumming class and have taken my time with it. I’m glad to see at least a few people noticing an improvement.

As far as the Yankees go, I’m from Southern California and I am a Dodgers fan. I bought that hat about 5 years ago when I took a dat trip to NYC. That was the only thing I got from New York when I was there. Nothing against the Sox. lol I’ve never been to Boston yet but hopefully someday. Take care


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