Links to JustinGuitar Tabs not Working

I’ve gone to the Website product page, I’ve clicked the link at the bottom of the page, I’ve tried another link somewhere in there but every time I get this message:

Oops! It seems like an unexpected error occured.

Is this a temporary glitch or is the TAB app now gone?

Temporary glitch. Earlier today it took forever for me to log in. I think the website is busier than usual today. Try again and it should let you access the tabs.

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Oh good, I was having an awful time earlier today too with the Practice Assistant. I was hoping it wasn’t some other thing screwed up by music pusblishers!

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It was slow to load in the UK last night and still slow this morning, but it does load up eventually.

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I’ll check in with the team and see if there may have been something going on from a tech team perspective.

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Thanks, because even though the site sped back up, I still get the OOPs error message.