Lisa's Learning Log

Congratulations on the pregnancy. I am really pleased for you going public on stage etc. As you say it is a great feeling.

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Wonderful news, Lisa, wish you well!

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:heart_eyes: :boom: :partying_face: :hatching_chick: :beverage_box: :sunny: :full_moon_with_face: :sun_with_face: :tada: :confetti_ball: :sunflower: :heartbeat:
Congratulations :people_hugging: Congratulations

Itā€™s a bummer that itā€™s an energy drain for you now, but itā€™s also good to read that nothing makes you happier now, so itā€™s just a matter of persevering and doing what you can doā€¦ take your time and do the things that you want and can do and keep sharing the things you want here and it doesnā€™t have to have anything to do with music or guitar :sunglasses:
Otherwise half of my LL posts could go :toilet: :roll_eyes:

Have fun ,rest ,play or whatever you want ,make this a good time for you :sunglasses:



Congratulations, for the ā€œOctober Festā€ and the concert.

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Congratulations Lisa, great to hear your news and read about your steps in performing.

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Thank you all so much for your kind words and congratulations! I highly appreciate each and every one! :smiley: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi Andrea,
itā€™s exciting times for sure and I try to enjoy it as much as possible. At least in the moments I donā€™t want to just sleep. :joy: It still is a little mix of joy and panic at the same time, but until October itā€™s enough time to adjust, prepare and just feel happy about our little one to arrive. :heart:
Youā€™re right about my enjoyment of my live performances. It was a great pleasure and thatā€™s what to take home. Technical struggles are more of a funny side note rather than an issue. :smiley:
Thanks again for your kind words. :slight_smile: :hibiscus:


Thanks a lot, Toby. Doing my best in taking care of myself, and when sometimes I canā€™t, my significant other will jump in. :smiley:


Thanks so much for your good wishes, Tony. With you being an experienced performer quite early in your journey I canā€™t agree more about the great feeling of stepping up on that stage. :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot for your good wishes, David. :slight_smile:


Thanks so much for your kind words, Rogier! :people_hugging: Youā€™re right about the energy drain being a bummer. But as I canā€™t change it, I take it as it comes and do one step at a time - no pressure at all and enjoying as much as I can. :slight_smile: :hibiscus:


Thanks a lot Cyril! This would be an October Fest without beer - Not sure if this actually allowed in Germany? :thinking: :rofl:


Thanks very much, Phil! Very exiting weeks have passed for me and are about to come. :smiley:


Great news Lisa, congratulations! :smiley:

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Hi Lisa,
Do you know what I realized this afternoon ā€¦ that you are the first to announce that a child is expected and in fact the first lady here who has become a mother since I have been hanging around here at Justinguitar (almost 4 years) ā€¦



Wow, Lisa!!! Big news! Really happy for you! Best wishes!! :cherry_blossom: :hugs:


Hello Lisa, oh wow, thatā€™s fantastic news. I was already a bit worried, as you had been so active and suddenlyā€¦ nothing :grimacing:.
I feel relieved to read about the reason behind your temporary absence :slightly_smiling_face:. Congratulations on expecting your first baby :partying_face:. I totally understand your ambivalent feelings between uncertainty and pure joy. Thatā€™s sooo normal :smiley:. Take care of yourself, and make use of your couch whenever you feel to :slightly_smiling_face:.
And, how wonderful, Iā€™m just imagining your little one inside of you, growing up with beautiful guitar sounds. In few weeks, you will even feel its reaction to your playing :blush:.

A propos guitar playing: congratulations also on this achievement of playing live :clap::clap::clap:. Unbelievable that, yet again, youā€™ve been muted :scream::sweat_smile:. To stay calm in this situation is an achievement of its own :+1:.

I wish you all the best for the months to come. Itā€™s such an exciting time :star_struck:.


This may have to do with the age of most of the other ladies here, Rogier :innocent:. At least in my case, donā€™t wait for such an announcement :grin:.


Lisa, congratulations on expecting your first child and for your live performance.

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Lisa @Lisa_S
Congratulations good news, hope everything goes smoothly.

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Lisaā€¦what a wonderful news this one is! Iā€™m so happy for you!


Take care of yourself!

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Thanks again to all you kind folks and your lovely wishes and comments. I feel blessed and truly appreciate it. :heart:


Thanks a lot, Boris! :slight_smile:


Hi Rogier,
your ability to recall all these details is just amazing, wow! :smiley: And it feels quite cool to be a ā€œfirst timerā€ in such a long living community. :sunglasses: I hope my little one will appreciate this fact one day. :rofl:


Thanks so much for your kind words and wishes, Franz! :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot for your kind and encouraging comments and words of support, Nicole! :slight_smile: Iā€™m glad to hear that feeling ambivalent about the upcoming motherhood is quite normal. Even though I guessed it, itā€™s always reassuring to hear it. :smiley:

Now Iā€™m really looking forward to the days when I can feel the little one inside moving. I hope our taste in music are alike. Not to imagine being kicked and punched in the organs if baby doesnā€™t like what ā€œitā€ is hearing. :scream: :rofl:

Regards your assumption why there havenā€™t been other motherhood anouncements so far, that was my first thought as well. :sweat_smile: Being 35 myself, Iā€™m also not an early bird in these terms. :sweat_smile:


Thanks a lot for your kind words, Steve! :slight_smile:


Thanks so much for your good wishes, Michael! :slight_smile:


Grazie mille, Silvia! :heart: Promise to take good care of me and the little one. :slight_smile:


Congratulations Lisa! What amazing news!

My Daughter was an October baby. They are the best :wink: I was fortunate enough not to deal with morning sickness when I was pregnant, but I definitely understand the exhaustion. Being able to feel the baby move is one of the best feelings and Iā€™m sure that he or she will love to hear your guitar and dance around :wink:

Also, congrats on the live performance!! Playing in a mix with a whole band is definitely a learning experience, but it really is the best kind of learning and Iā€™m so glad you got to do it! I would love to see the recording once you have it.

Congrats againx2!! :baby: :guitar:


I wished, I could have done this with my son :heart:



Thanks so much for your kind words, Jenn! It means a lot to me. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Nice to hear your daughter was an October baby, too, and so was one of my grannies. By luck we might hit her birthday as itā€™s only 2 days from the calculated delivery date. October babies definitely rock! :wink:

Thatā€™s so true! So many things to pick up from that experience, it is amazing and also so much fun! :smiley:


Andrea, my heart is melting!! :heart: Thanks for sharing this video, now I have a massive hormone overflow - where are the tissues? :sob: :rofl: But seriously, I will love to do that on day, too. :heart_eyes:


Itā€™s time for a little update again. :slight_smile:

During the last weeks, there have been some ups and downs related to guitar practice time with some periods with structured practice, some times only noodling and playing songs or also (unfortunately) days/weeks without any playing at all. Nevertheless, I have the feeling that during the last two weeks itā€™s getting better again, energy wise and playing wise so I finally decided to ā€œgrow upā€ and enter the intermediate Grade 4. :smiley:

I stuck my toes in PMT Grade 4 already and during the past two months was watching the base modules of Grade 4 (except for the Blues parts, this has to wait a little more). Based on Justinā€™s suggestion along with my needs, I designed following routine and set it to active just a few seconds ago - so from tomorrow onwards I will feel so intermediate as I never felt before. :sunglasses: :rofl:

Itā€™s quite packed and there will be days when I wonā€™t be able to finish all items as I still have to work full time, but thatā€™s not a biggie. :smiley: Most importantly, I put some fun stuff in the beginning (Warm Up noodling with chords and melodies by ear) and in the end (everything coming after and including Country Style Guitar).

The stuff in between mainly follows suggested practice items for Grade 4 and will be adjusted in detail as I progress through the course. For technique - what you need, I plan on setting up a weekly schedule with different techniques (i.e. bending, vibrato, legato, ā€¦) to alternate on the days, but I probably will replace the Notes on the Fretboard later on with another dedicated technique slot, when focus is required (looking especially at bending here as this definitely need work). That will give me a good structure for the upcoming months until the end of the year (and onwards).

Some funny side note: It seems my little one already has a good feeling for rhythm as often heā€™s moving in time when I play guitar. I wonder if heā€™s tapping his little foot already inside my womb. :sweat_smile: :rofl: Other times, it feels like heā€™s practicing roundhouse kicks, though. :joy:

Back to the guitar: Also, I had a little GAS and finally decided on getting a looper and of course, it had to be the monster version instead of a simple one. :roll_eyes: So the Boss RC 500 was odered and should have arrived today, but DHL let me down and didnā€™t deliver despite being so close to my home as was shown in the live tracking. :sob: :sob: Patience, Lisa, patienceā€¦ So hopefully I get to noodle with it tomorrow then and then will be totally overwhelmed by all the functions and possibilities. :roll_eyes: :joy:

Thanks to all the folks reading and checking in here. Have a great day. :smiley:

Cheers - Lisa


Love the update Lisa and congrats on entering grade 4! Your practice routine looks really solid. Mine definitely trends towards noodling around a bit more these days :laughing: Youā€™ve inspired me to try a bit more of a structured routine!

So amazing! Enjoy all those little moments. I was not playing guitar yet when I was pregnant with my daughter. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s amazing feeling the little one dance along :grin:

Enjoy the new looper when it arrives! I do this exact same thing when I get a new pedal :laughing:

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