Lisa's Learning Log

Congrats, Lisa :rose: :tulip: :blossom:

I guess, you can call that extremely early music education. How nice for your little one that he can hear you play and sing :slightly_smiling_face:

Your routine looks so organised and disciplined. Hmmā€¦ Now that I try to my set up routine, I notice that I have similar time issues (though my routine is only 45 min). What do you do if you canā€™t finish a routine on one day? Do you start it from the beginning? Or do you continue with the item where you stopped last time?

Hope the looper arrives soon. Sounds like a fantastic toy to play with :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Lisa,
And remember these happy thoughts when he is doing these actions on your bladder :smile:

And almost happy NPD :partying_face:

Greetings and wish you all the fun and comfort possible these special periode :smiley:

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Aaw, thanks a lot for your kind words, Jenn! :blush:

Confession time: The routine itself might look solid, but even I tend to noodle away in between. So you are not alone with that. :smiley:

Yes, it is an amazing feeling and those little moments cover up for all the non-desirable side effects of pregnancy. :sweat_smile:


Thanks so much for your kind words, Nicole! :blush:

Haha, yes thatā€™s true - but itā€™s a little forced though as he canā€™t escape, yet. :rofl: Letā€™s see if heā€™s inspired to follow the creative/musical path one day or rather will be a little more technically oriented as his dad - or none of both. :slight_smile:

As said above, itā€™s only looking as if. Often I get carried away, too.

It depends: When I split it on the same day, I just pick up where I left after little warm up. If thereā€™s one day ore more break in between, I tend to start at the beginning again, but then try to pick items first, that were neglected due to splitting or pausing. For that reason, I try to keep up with my hand written practice journal, too, where I can clearly see what has been done in a given session.


Thanks for your good wishes and congrats on my almost NPD. :joy: :sunglasses: And also for reminding me of this:

He does it already and itā€™s definitely not that enjoyable, especially during the night. :sob: :rofl: :rofl:

PS: The Looper finally arrived today and I did the most crucial mistake already: I read the instructions. :joy: Nevertheless, I will have a noodle after my practice today. :smiley:


You better avoid playing Metal then Lisa or you could be in for a right kicking, Either that or an internal mosh pit. Us men can only imagine how that might feel ! What a joy. :sunglasses:


Hi Lisa, I,'m happy to read youā€™re doing well and that your little treasure takes part to your playing sessions already :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:. Grade 4 is like ā€¦wow! But you seem very well organised and Iā€™m sure youā€™ll enjoy it without feeling it overwhelming! Although if you ask me, from what I heard in your recordings I would have called you an intermediate player already.

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Toby, youā€™re feeding my imagination for the worst. :rofl: I canā€™t help but visualize how my son is headbanging right now. :joy:

Sometimes I feel a little sorry for my man and also others, as you canā€™t feel as we do. Even though putting hands on the belly while the little one is dancing is quite impressive in itself. At least a way to share this kind of joy. :smiley:

Thanks for checking in here and sharing a good laugh. :sunglasses:


Grazie mille, Silvia! Appreciate you checked in here. I also feel blessed to take my little one on my musical journey with me. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks for your kind and encouraging words! But I have to admit, I started playing almost 22 years ago. So entering Grade 4 after that amount of time isā€¦ not so much impressive. :rofl: Taking it nice and slow, each step at a decade or so. :snail: :snail: :joy:


Hi folks! :smiley:

Itā€™s time for a small update again. Due to still working full time, I unfortunately canā€™t manage to play guitar daily. Being in the middle of moving doesnā€™t help either. :sweat_smile: Currently play days are averaging between 3 and 5 per week, which hopefully will settle at the 5 soon. Only one more week of working. Yeah! :smiley:

My newly set routine works nicely, even if I only manage to go through it once or twice per week. The other play days are just practicing songs or noodling with the looper.

Using the looper is great fun and I haven even tried everything whatā€™s possible with this tool! For now, I mainly play a progression, select a drum beat and then trying to improvise with my scale patterns over this progression. I think I still suck at it, but Iā€™m enjoying it to great extent. A nice thing about the RC-500 is, that the drums are autosynchronized to the recorded sequence. So far, I havenā€™t tried it vice-versa (i.e. putting up drum beat first and then recording along). Also, Iā€™m not yet ready to use it in a more creative way with regards to layering and overdubbing. Hitting the foot switch at the right moment is still a little struggle, but itā€™s getting better with practice. Once this is solid, I can start thinking about building a piece with several layers. :slight_smile:

The Grade 4 items are coming along nicely during structured practice sessions. Even if I donā€™t practice as much as Iā€™d like to, I notice some improvements for some areas, i.e. for the minimum movement and the fretboard knowledge. But I also notice where I truly suck. One of these points is string bending. I can hear the pitches quite ok, but I canā€™t get that motion right. :see_no_evil: This will be a long way until it will workā€¦

But during the last weeks, I noticed some other issue that is getting bigger (quite literally :rofl:). Being rather short, I always felt my acoustic actually is a little to big being a Dreadnought. As I got used to it during the years, it didnā€™t bother me that much. But now with the growing belly itā€™s becoming a problem, especially when practicing seated. The guitar body is farther away from mine and is getting slightly tilted. Therefore, the right arm has a tough time reaching around and strumming smoothly. It really can be heard as strumming sounds more tense, less relaxed. Just a little awkward. :expressionless:

For song practice, one way to overcome this issue was playing standing up. This worked for a while, but now the belly is also causing the guitar to tilt while standing, resulting in a little weird angling I need to get used to. Also, standing for a longer duration doesnā€™t get easier these daysā€¦ :rofl:

I guess, thereā€™s no solution to this except waiting for two more months (and a little after)ā€¦ There is another smaller sized guitar placed over at a friendā€™s. Heā€™ll bring it down next time he visits, but it has been neglected for the last years. Will need some care before it is playable again. But hopefully it will help solving the problem of reaching around with my T-Rex-arms :joy:. Unfortunately, itā€™s an acoustic without pick-up, so wonā€™t help for a possible OM performance with my current setup, so there it will be the big Cort again. :slight_smile:


Hi isa ,
What a nice, sweet update, you are still busy for a while. Busy with everything and especially work, but fortunately with a great prospectā€¦
:t_rex: :joy:

If only you had an electric guitar, that would give you a lot of room to growā€¦unfortunatelyā€¦otherwise come and have a coffee, I have more I don`t use so you have choice that you can borrow :smiley:ā€¦3 hours and 50 minutes for you if you keep to the speed limitā€¦ so 2/3 hours ??? :blush:
My mother passed by your town last weekā€¦ If only you told earlier :roll_eyes:

Almost vacation. :partying_face:. good luck the last few days :smiley:

Greetings :sunny:

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Hmmā€¦ What about an emergency uke? You could justify it with the need of just having to practice soft goodnight and other childrensā€™ songs :innocent:

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or a banjo ?

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Ladies and gentlemen, please donā€™t talk me into a NGD/NUD - it was incredibly hard work to convince myself not to buy something new and I was there - almost! :rofl: :see_no_evil: :rofl:

Haha, no I know you all have the best intentions. :innocent: :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Rogier,

your offer to borrow an electric guitar is so sweet, and makes me happy so much, you canā€™t believe. :smiley: While reading your message my smile got bigger and bigger! Thanks for that!
I own an electric guitar, too. Thatā€™s the one Iā€™m using for the looper and also some practice. But there are items on my list for which I prefer the acoustic and itā€™s also easier for songs, because my amp doesnā€™t have an XLR-input for Mic.

The invitation for the coffee I will keep in mind. Maybe one fine day we will go on vacation to the Netherlands, so we can stop by and say hello. :slight_smile:


Hi Nicole,

I always thought about getting an uke, too, and your suggestion is tempting. :see_no_evil: I mean, all the reasons you list are true, but I canā€™t justify it right now. We need lots of stuff for the baby, so the uke has to wait a little - maybe when heā€™s old enough to enjoy playing himself. :smiley: Until then, Iā€™ll go for gentle fingerpicking on the guitar - as hopefully the vast majority of the belly will be gone after birth. :rofl:


Hi Deborah,

my banjo would be an option size-wise. But unfortunately, these things are really heavy (at least mine), so I canā€™t play it for too long. Also, Iā€™m so much out of practice for banjo, I would need to start right from the beginning again. :sweat_smile:


Lisa this is the sweetest update one can ever read :heart_eyes:
Just a thoughtā€¦if the playing isnā€™t coming easy you might enjoy all the other aspects like ear training maybe? Or working out some little melody for your little one and singingā€¦Or mindful listening or whatever doesnā€™t require posture and techniqueā€¦but something that can keep you nicely engaged and can be relaxing for youā€¦

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Thatā€™s some good food for thought, Silvia! Thanks a lot for that. I will definitely considering your suggestions. :blush:

Especially this:

would be a beneficial thing to do, as I rarely take my time to do that and it is relaxing and beneficial, too. :slight_smile:

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This did make me chuckle Lisa, again !! I have no excuse for the lump that sits below my ribcage. It doesnā€™t kick and does not roll with the vibe of what I am playing. Big belly and dreads are a challenge but think of how those deep tones are nurturing you little one. Its temporary and likely to shrink well before mine does. And then you have two joys in your life, Its just a bump in the journey :wink:


Inspiring. Thanks!

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Same for me and your comment, Toby! :smiley: Currently, you would definitely lose the lump competition, though. :sweat_smile:

You are right with all youā€™re saying. It might be a little dread now, but on the other hand, all the joy coming along with the odd belly outweighs it by any means (please remind me I said that in a few months after lots of sleepless nights :woozy_face:), so Iā€™m not worrying too much.

:rofl: Like those speed bumps they put in place to slow traffic down. :rofl:

Thanks for checking in, Toby, and once again sharing a good laugh. :smiley:


Glad you found something inspiring in my log, Nicholas! Itā€™s good these logs are also beneficial for those who read, not only the ones writing them. :slight_smile: Thanks for checking in.

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