Live YT stream

I am going live on YouTube in a couple of days.
May I share the info here? (Really don’t want to break another rule of the community).


Hi Alexey,

I’m not sure… probably one of our mods like @Richard_close2u or @LievenDV or @DavidP could answer that.


I think that would depend on what your going live with. Are you going live with guitar lessons in direct competition with Justin, or are you putting on a live concert and want people from here to watch it?

The rules are very simple. If you are just promoting yourself or your youtube channel then it is not allowed. If you are a member of this community and participate in ongoing discussions and help where you can then I don’t see a problem.

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A similar question was asked here

Alexey is an accomplished musician but has been participating in discussions in the community, open mics and BLIM since joining the community.

But like @stitch says it would depend on what your going live with i.e. gig or lessons. Need to be clearer Alexey.

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Just playing guitar. No teaching or lecturing

hey @Alexeyd
in that case: make an announcement in a new post in this category with clear instructions how to join, what time (parhaps in which timezones).

Perhaps you can make the the recording available afterwards?
I guess that is a standard YouTube feature.
We can talk about your live set in that thread when the show is over as well :wink:

Good luck!


Thank you.
I will create a new post.

Damn, this sounds good, looking forward to it Alexey :+1:

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