Locating notes on the fretboard

I’m dedicating some time to learn the fretboard and came across a recommendation to learn one string at a time. I’m starting with the low E string and using (https://random.bretpimentel.com/) to randomly display the first 3 notes (not sharps or flats) on my phone and then playing them. It’s actually working! I started with 3 notes and then added more as I became confident. I then moved to the next string and pretty soon was able to locate the same notes on both strings. In a couple of weeks at this rate I’ll (hopefully) be able to find root notes in keys all over the neck.


Tips for learning the notes on the fret board.
When you learn the notes on the E (6 string) you also know them on the e (1 string)

Once you start learning the notes past the 4th fret on the E string you are learning the note on the A string as well. Fret 5 E string is open A string.

Once you start learning the notes on the E string past the 9th fret you are learning the note on the D string. 10 fret E string is open D string.

This also works with the A string, D string and G string. The B string is different but you’ll figure that out when you get there.


I made this video about a year ago. I really like this exercise. You can feel improvement after just a couple of days


Hi Alexey, and @SquirePete

I would like to add that for beginners ( there are even a few real rules by Justin (I didn’t copy the rest )


Make sure you follow the rules closely to spend your time learning in the best way that you can.

  1. Use Finger 1 to play all the notes. You can try using other fingers later, but starting with just one finger helps you with your position jumping and accuracy.


I am trying to learn the same :slight_smile: Curently I do pretty good and pretty quick too on E and A string, but still a lot of improvement possible.
Thank you for the link (https://random.bretpimentel.com/ ), will come extra handy. Much appreciated :pray:

:face_with_peeking_eye: thanks Rick, I’m really not sure why this hasn’t occurred to be before now :thinking::scream::+1:

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Something I have started doing is finding a single note on all the strings up to but not including the 12th fret.
I started finding all the G notes, and as pointed out above, the 5th fret helps a lot!

So going down the strings from string 6 to 1 (thickest to thinnest) the Gs are 3rd fret, 10th fret, 5th fret, open, 8th fret, 3rd fret.

I just go up and down these, then try the A, which is where I am at present. I should know more of the notes by now, but I’m not in a rush.

I like thinking of the octave shapes. Once you know where one note is, you can quickly find it anywhere.