Lost Lover's Lament

Good to hear you’re back to almost full health and guitar play fitness David. That was really great. Very catchy melody and very well played and sung. Congrats on writing, producing and mixing that performance.
You covered all the bases there. Verse, chorus, bridge and instrumental parts. Excellent.
The next stage I suppose is to include video of you playing but I can appreciate the time it all must take.

As for grammar and tense. Think of Donovan’s “What’s bin did and what’s bin hid. :joy:

And as for the time taken to come up with an original song, I’ve been waiting six years to come up with one and still haven’t! :smiley:

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Hehe, you don’t come up with songs by ‘waiting:rofl: Gotta sit down and try to write them. Embarrassment eases with time and I do believe, like anything, you get better with practice.
You have a good sense of musicality and have conjured up enough witty phrases in your comments to suggest you’d be pretty good.
Give it a bash. You can thank/kill me later :rofl:


@sairfingers Thanks Gordon, glad you enjoyed it. As I said in another reply, my ability to play a part consistently without errors is the first obstacle, and then there is all the logistics of managing video files. So I’ve learned to ‘never say never’ but as it stands, originals with remain with slideshows and AVOYPs with the video. Now this is dne maybe I shall dedicate my time and energy to working up another AVOYP, perhaps learning a new song or two.

Had to Google the Donovan reference, not an artist I’ve ever listened to. And of course that needs to be read and heard with a Scottish accent which give it proper colour.

As for original songs, hearing the Muse is an interesting thing. Quite easy to miss a moment when perhaps the seed was there. As I said for this one, it was half bar C, half bar Em, and a bar of D while just strumming for fun, no particular purpose. No focused intention to write a song. But I have a willingness to explore when the fleeting thought that maybe it could be the start of a song pops into my mind. Once I would have discounted it, but now I am happy to go with the flow. Maybe you never noticed the seeds?

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The Captain said everything there is to say about it :rofl:

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And who’s the Captain, Brian?

I’m waiting for a eureka moment when I wake up one morning and the words and melody flow. :joy:

:rofl: I’m also waiting for wprds and music to flow. Mostly it is a fragment, a hint of an idea. Then tinkering, letting it percolate in the sunconscious, and typically months late something has emerged and become a song. At least that’s how it works for me.

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The little solo fits your style of playing really well. You let it breath and held the notes at the end of each phrase long enough to let them decay on there own.

I would like to hear the recording with out all the production and multi tracks. Don’t feel like you have to post it it you don’t want to.

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I really enjoyed that, David. It sounds like a sweeping big song to me, it’s got the I’ll say illusion of a full blown choir and massive arrangement, and that sits very well with the song. Very nicely done!!

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Bravo David! :clap:

Great little song, and great production. You’ve got that mixing/ mastering process down to a fine art, to the point where its seamless. Your voice moves over the top of it all very nicely too.

Glad to see you’re on the mend too. :+1:

Cheers, Shane

Hi David, first of all, happy to read, that your health issues are getting better and leads to more musical time again!
I admire the ability to write a song (muse didn’t kiss me yet), maybe to have a little idea, to “nurse” it to a point where the lyrics start to make sense, where the basic chord progression is complemented by a melody, a bass line, a solo,… and then, the whole production and mixing process…
Well done, David! A very enjoyable listen, I particularly liked your lyrics. The mix was very well balanced!

Hi David,
How wonderful to read that you are having less trouble with your fingers in particular :smiley:

And what a wonderful blown away song, exactly what Mari says (
and maybe some more people say it, but I don’t have the time to read everything and my eye fell on her words :blush:) …I really enjoyed it… :man_bowing: :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Greetings (ps: while typing it sings still in my head :smiley: )

Hi David,
Nice job on this one, as the entire project is of a high caliber. Your vocal layering on this was really good. I thought for sure I could hear your wife backing in there… But looking around, I see no credits given in that direction.

Your video work was good. Nice job on that!

I have to say that overall you have upped your game in the production department. Your mixes are really going good these days!

Be well and take care to rock a bit!

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Hello David, congratulations on your new original :clap::clap::clap:! Your production skills are improving really fast, and show, how much you enjoy the whole process. That’s a really enjoyable piece of music. Not just for the ears, but also for the eyes :blush:.
I’ve now listened to it several times and always detect some new details that I haven’t recognized in the previous listens.
Very well done :smiley::+1::thinking:!

Hey David. That was pleasing to listen to. Great lyrics. Great vocals. I loved the video. Great choice of theme in the videos. Loved the art style. But anyway, your mix sounded great. Well done.

Hello David, another great production from you…I really enjoyed it, both the slideshow and the listening…to be honest somehow I found it (the music) expressed from the very beginning there would be a happy ending and more than a lament I perceived it like soothing and comforting…maybe because your voice sounds also very soothing. Now I hope you’re not dissapointed with my comment…if that was a lament it was a well directed one…toward…home! It’s a very beautiful song, David.

That makes sense - some songs are quick while some take a while to bake. Actually makes me think about an interview I read with Vance Joy about one of his songs. He mentioned he’d been playing a riff he liked for around 10 years before he could put word and melody to it. So I guess some take a while.

It’s good you find joy in music production. Gives you some music pleasure even when you can’t play guitar I imagine.

Apologies for taking a while to read and reply, been busy and distracted

@stitch Thanks Rick. Glad the solo worked for you. I’m no lead player (nowhere enough dedication and effort to the learning) so tried for something simple that served the song, accented chord tones.

I am happy to post up the trial. Will add it to the first post when I’ve finished replying

@Mari63 Thanks Mari. I think the double-tracking of some of the lead vocal plus the double tracked harmonies and backing really worked well in this case. I think it blended well with the acoustic instruments

@sclay Thanks Shane. Kind of you to say so. Like all things in music, the more one does, gets feedback, the more one learns. I’ve come along way though still nowhere close to some of the real masters here. Health has been slow, really slow, but steady progress. Much to be thankful for

@Helen0609 Thanks Andrea. Appreciate the good wishes. I think with original songs, the first step is to be quite intentional that you have the aspiration. Without getting overly esoteric, once you acknowledge that for yourself then I think you may spot an opportunity, which in this case was the smallest fragment. Then just be gentle with yourself, not too judgemental. And no need to go for a full band production, voice and guitar is just as cool.

@roger_holland Thanks Roger. Yup, the health of the fingers is a biggie. Glad you enjoyed the song

@LBro Thanks LBro. Appreciate you commenting here as well. I confess that high harmony line was a stretch for me, definitely not as pleasant when heard in isolation but blended well. Good to hear I’ve continued to improve in the production area. And much of that is as a result of all the pointers you have given me, over a few years now.

@NicoleKKB Thanks Nicole. The production journey has been like learning to play and sing, a slow and steady progress over a good few years. Glad you enjoyed both the song and the slideshow.

@pkboo3 Thanks Pam Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed it all. I too love that thick, textured, impasto style oil painting.

@silvia Thanks Silvia. Glad you enjoyed it and found it soothing and happy. As for the title, I often find it as hard to come up with the title as the rest :rofl: I had feelings of longing and wistfulness, and maybe lament was too strong. But I did like the alliteration :joy: Never be nervous about sharing your thoughts, for somebody to listen and be moved to comment is always a delight, never a disappointment

@jkahn Wow, imagine that, 10 years to incubate a song. Probably the biggest obstacle from a production perspective is time. At the moment I only really work on music production over the weekends, and then often mornings only as I share the PC with my son. Maybe in years to come I’ll have more regular time and can then produce more collaborations here in the Community. I’ve done a couple and the experience is always good, and so far I think the results have all been enjoyable.


For anybody curious and interested, the very first trial play through as been added to the first post

Bravo, David! You’ve got a beautiful, sad, but, at the same time, optimistic song. Everything is made in an excellent restrained style.
Vocals, instruments, mix - everything is fine.
I don’t want to improve anything here :slightly_smiling_face: