Love is an Arrow

this original one is called “Love is an Arrow”
another song from under the basement rafters
thanks for listening

here are the lyrics if you’re interested


Mmm boy whatda ya do–oo, for that to girl to run out on you?
There’s blood on the floor and a slammin’ door, what in the world are you waiting for?
Love is an arrow, she shot at you, hit you in the heart, now you’re bleeding on thru
If you love her, why didn’t you show? look now she go, go, go
So you better run, you better fly, that girl’s got hurt in her eyes
Oh, better get her back, get her back, go, go, go x2, get her back… go, go, go-o-o

Love is racing, heart is chasing, Cupid’s calling, your arrow’s falling
Got to pick ‘em up, pick ‘em up, shoot ‘em again x2. Got to pick ‘em up…shoot her again
Now she slows, steady as she goes. Your aim is down, arrows hit the ground
Now, you better beg, your better plead, get down on your bare, lovin’ knees
Oh !
Now she gives you one shot, just one more, you better shoot a few arrows more
Oh, gotta say it out, say it out, say it out loud x2, say it out…say it loud
I was wrong, take me back, I WAS WRONG. Take me back
Oh, gotta show your love, show your love, show love show x2, show your love…show-o-o
I LOVE YOU. My aim is true. I LOVE YOU. My arrows flew.

She hit you with an arrow straight on through, hit you in the heart like she meant to do, Love is her arrow
She hit you in the heart like she meant to do, no she won’t miss when she’s kissing you

Love is the arrow that you need, oh but how it can make you bleed
Love is an arrow that is true, I hope one’s aimed straight at you, Love is an arrow


Bravo, Daniel. I especially liked all the variation and dynamics in the vocal. That kept a relatively long song interesting and engaging. I liked the couple of picked note interludes on the guitar. Maybe a little more variation on the strumming would add something eg a section with percussive hits.

Took the liberty to edit the title and embed the video. I think sharing the song title in the video is better for those coming to the topic. If you want I can unembed the video and insert it as a link.

That was great thanks! well sung and played

As a vascular surgeon, you should know better than to advocate treating our ‘love pumps’ as toxophilic targets. Blood on the floor indeed… :laughing:
You are a fine singer-songwriter and performer on top.
Really enjoyed that and am looking forward to catching your performance at the next OM.
Well done :smiley:
(ps add in the lyrics here or on YT for our non-English speaking friends :wink:)

Nice tune, Dan! I really enjoyed the listen. Very well done! :clap: :slight_smile:

As David also mentioned, I especially favoured the vocal dynamics and variations that kept the song moving forward and interesting.

The overall emotion and mood is carried over really well and I do feel it. You have a gift putting feelings into words and music! IMHO, you definitely can remove the “wanna be” in front of the singer-songwriter from your description. :smiley:

I’m already looking forward to your next piece. Thank you for sharing this one with us, Dan. :slight_smile:

Another great original Dan. You sure do have a great way of delivering your lyrics and your sound that keeps the listener listening. Nice work.

Nice! I enjoyed the listen :headphones:!!! Keep ‘em coming Dan!
Oh, I second the suggestion that you post lyrics for your originals, we’d all enjoy a sing-along!


Another super original Dan. Really well put together and a very enjoyable listen!

Thanks for listening

Much appreciated
Thanks for listening

That’s so good! Really cool song, thanks for sharing.

Thank you for listening!

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good suggestion CATMAN62. here are the lyrics. I will add to the post and include future lyrics.


Mmm boy whatda ya do–oo, for that to girl to run out on you?
There’s blood on the floor and a slammin’ door, what in the world are you waiting for?
Love is an arrow, she shot at you, hit you in the heart, now you’re bleeding on thru
If you love her, why didn’t you show? look now she go, go, go
So you better run, you better fly, that girl’s got hurt in her eyes
Oh, better get her back, get her back, go, go, go x2, get her back… go, go, go-o-o

Love is racing, heart is chasing, Cupid’s calling, your arrow’s falling
Got to pick ‘em up, pick ‘em up, shoot ‘em again x2. Got to pick ‘em up…shoot her again
Now she slows, steady as she goes. Your aim is down, arrows hit the ground

Now, you better beg, your better plead, get down on your bare, lovin’ knees
Oh !
Now she gives you one shot, just one more, you better shoot a few arrows more
Oh, gotta say it out, say it out, say it out loud x2, say it out…say it loud
I was wrong, take me back, I WAS WRONG. Take me back
Oh, gotta show your love, show your love, show love show x2, show your love…show-o-o
I LOVE YOU. My aim is true. I LOVE YOU. My arrows flew.

She hit you with an arrow straight on through, hit you in the heart like she meant to do, Love is her arrow
She hit you in the heart like she meant to do, no she won’t miss when she’s kissing you

Love is the arrow that you need, oh but how it can make you bleed
Love is an arrow that is true, I hope one’s aimed straight at you, Love is an arrow

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good point, needs more variety given that its only Am/C/G/Am
i will play around and see how i can improve it

the line “there’s blood on the floor” might be a new song, will see

Thanks for the lyrics… I really like that song!!! As for your other thought…

“Blood on the floor, it’s a killin’ room”
“Why’d she take away her love so soon?”
“It’s torn out my heart, I won’t survive”
“ Ain’t gonna take nobody’s jive”

Sound like the opening of an Alvin Lee Blues number to me Doc…

PS I don’t know about that 4th line……

Take it away!!!
