Mac's learning log

Thanks toby for your answer
I use earny balls super slinky 9-42
I dont know if I abuse them but since i play everyday it should be time to change them

Day 128 :

Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up , and did the pinky exercise twice

Played on Yousician for 66 minutes

Challenge of the week : a song called Forever and beyond / cow boy chords EM Am C
( Training for strumming with up strums )

Played an exercise song for hammers on and pull offs : Yellow by Coldplay

I tried to work on Kiss from a rose by Seal again ( level 4 ) cow boy chords C G F A D AM
played it at 60% of its speed

I play standing up and each songs are played once with the metronome , once with the backing track :

Played tears in heaven ( training for power chord and strumming )

grade 2 in JG :

Trained on wish you were here Riff

Practiced Open E Minor Pentatonic Scale

Practiced The C major scale for 2 minutes
I tried to play it with the metronome : 110 bpm ok I even tried at 120 bpm and did ok

Practice the F barre chord on the chords trainer (28 in 45 secs )
Practiced the F barre chord in songs : losing my religion by REM
I played the song only at 70% ot its speed

I practiced " One " By U2 on the JG website for 10 minutes
I play along the video to get the rythm right and get my fingers used to the pattern

I m careful with my C chord , I realised that if im not watching what im doing , i dont do the full stretch , so im still a bit struggling with this one

My yousician activity for last week :

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Day 129 :

Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up , and did the pinky exercise twice

Played on Yousician for 98 minutes
thats because i spent a lot of time practicing kiss from a rose … too much time probably

Challenge of the week : a song called Forever and beyond / cow boy chords EM Am C
( Training for strumming with up strums )

Played an exercise song for hammers on and pull offs : Yellow by Coldplay

Played Kiss from a rose by Seal again ( level 4 ) cow boy chords C G F A D AM
played it at 65% of its speed

I play standing up and each songs are played once with the metronome , once with the backing track :

Played tears in heaven ( training for power chord and strumming )

grade 2 in JG :

Trained on wish you were here Riff

Practiced Open E Minor Pentatonic Scale

Practiced The C major scale for 2 minutes
I tried to play it with the metronome : 100 bpm ok 110 bpm ok I even tried at 120 bpm and did ok

Practice the F barre chord on the chords trainer (28 in 45 secs )
Practiced the F barre chord in songs : losing my religion by REM
I played the song only at 60% ot its speed

I practiced " One " By U2 on the JG website for 10 minutes
I play along the video to get the rythm right and get my fingers used to the pattern


Day 130 :

Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up , and did the pinky exercise twice

Played on Yousician for 47 minutes

New challenge of the week : Birds of a feather by Billie Eilish / melody ( Training for picking )
Never heard the song before so Im going slowly with just the first part at 70% of speed

Played Kiss from a rose by Seal again ( level 4 ) cow boy chords C G F A D AM
played it at 70% of its speed
thats the best i can do on this song , really difficult

I play standing up and each songs are played once with the metronome , once with the backing track :

Played tears in heaven ( training for power chord and strumming )

grade 2 in JG :

Trained on wish you were here Riff

Practiced The C major scale

Practice the F barre chord on the chords trainer (29 in 45 secs )
Practiced the F barre chord in songs : losing my religion by REM
I played the song only at 70% ot its speed

I practiced " One " By U2 on the JG website for 10 minutes
I play along the video to get the rythm right and get my fingers used to the pattern

I watched 2 videos :
Californication Riff
Songs For Module 9

I ve already practiced a lot the a lot the F chord : Fm/7 and now the barre chord
Gotta admit that I never worked on the mini F …
My barre chord is coming along slowly but I already introduce it in songs , my Fm/7 is better but i still sometimes fail it
Kiss from a rose is a real tough practice for the Fm/7

Not as often as I should! I got my lovely new acoustic in March and it’s still got the original strings on it. I’ve had new strings sat on the side since about day 3. I just know that the headstock will look at lot less neat once I’ve changed the strings than how it arrived from the factory :joy: And yes, I know that’s a terrible reason for not changing strings!!!

I’ve got a week off in about 10 days, I’ll do it then. I need to watch some videos on how to do it neatly and have the spare time to do it without being in a rush - I can change strings but always have sharp little string ends poking out waiting to spike my fingers :roll_eyes:

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I feel less alone :rofl:

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I found this video on YT and it looks like im not the only one struggling on this song
its fast and not short

I will try to find a song to work on on the JG app

Interesting. I saw the song title and didn’t think I knew it but once it was playing recognised it from somewhere deep in my memory banks.

I think it shows the strength and weakness of Yousician. Certainly if you can nail the song on there then there’s no doubt you can play it. But some of those things it highlighted as issues were pretty harsh. If you were playing through to an audience they’d never pick that a note was a fraction early/late as long as you played through it and didn’t look flustered by it. If not used with care it could really take the joy out of learning just by always chasing perfection which would be really hard in a lengthy song like that. I’d be pretty blooming happy if I could play that song as well as the person in the video managed


very true
thats the terrible side of this app
thats why im not focusing on the " wrongs " the app shows , but more on how the song sounds

if it sounds good then its ok , dont care about the reds
the reds can drive you crazy

I should have added that this video shows the unplugged version of the song
Im not working on that one
Im working on the record version
same song , same length but it has a Fm/7 all along and im currently not fast enough on this chord to play it at full speed
I ll be happy to nail it at 70% or 75% of the speed
at the end of the song , the hand is tired


Day 131 :

Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up , and did the pinky exercise twice

Played on Yousician for 54 minutes

Challenge of the week : Birds of a feather by Billie Eilish / melody ( Training for picking )
I gave up on this one
I did gold the first part but the rest is way above my level , way too fast
I dont know why they rated this song as a level 4 …

Trained on changing between C and Dm for 2 minutes

I play standing up and each songs are played once with the metronome , once with the backing track :

Played tears in heaven ( training for power chord and strumming )

Played Kiss from a rose by Seal again ( level 4 ) cow boy chords C G F A D AM
played it at 70% of its speed

grade 2 in JG :

Trained on wish you were here riff

Trained on Californication riff
I can play it alright but very slowly

Practiced The C major scale

Practiced Open E Minor Pentatonic Scale

Practice the F barre chord on the chords trainer (25 in 45 secs )
Practiced the F barre chord in songs : losing my religion by REM
I played the song only at 70% ot its speed , then i tried a bit at 75% it was ok

I practiced " One " By U2 on the JG website for 10 minutes
I play along the video to get the rythm right and get my fingers used to the pattern


Here’s when you’ll know you’re ready to move on to [Module 10]

  • You have memorized the F chord cheats. DONE
  • You play the C Major scale from memory. DONE
  • You explored the pinky workout. WIP
  • You had some fun with the Californication riff. WIP
  • You added a song with an F chord to your repertoire. DONE
  • You’ve attempted the big F barre or cheats if those are harder for you! :slight_smile: DONE
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Move on and keep working on these. During the old Classic Beginner’s Course it was common for folk to be working on songs from the previous stage or 2 honing their skills and also working on the odd technique that required improvement.

Rule of thumb ? Be honest with yourself and go with your gut feeling. You’ve put in some hard yards only you will know if you have done that with integrity. Be true to yourself.

Of course your kilometreage (metric mileage) may vary.



well the pinky training will become an everyday exercise so you can put it in the honing a skill category i think
I just started californication today but as you say I can practice it while also starting the next module

My Fm/7 and F barre chord are not perfect but if I understood correctly it is not supposed to be perfect at this stage

to be honest i added more than one song with an F to my repertoire :sweat_smile:

So tomorrow I ll watch the last video of module 9 and then start module 10 next week :partying_face:


Cool onwards and upwards !


Thanks for the advice Toby :slight_smile:

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I agree with @TheMadman_tobyjenner. I move on to the next module once I either have all the technique exercise down. I still move on even if I am struggling a little with one or two of the exercises - I just add these to the next modules routine. As they’re generally only 2-3 minutes each anyway they don’t add much time. It should only be 1 or 2 though, any more than that and you probably haven’t done the module properly.

I’ve also recently changed how I look at song practice, thanks to your (thank you again, it really helped) and others advice last week, and have separated songs from technique. I can now carry forward song practice independently of the technique work in the modules.

The only key, as Toby points out, is to be honest with yourself about the progress you’ve made so that you’re not “rushing” through the lessons. From what I’ve seen on your log, that’s not a problem you seem to have :slight_smile: Some modules come easier than others so if you’re ready after a week then move on, or it may take a month or more. Guitar is a skill we’re all trying to build, not a game with a high score to beat!


nice move !

there are songs made to play to practice your technique and songs your practice just because you like them and want to them to sound nice
2 differents stuff really

I spent 27 days on module 9 and practice multiple songs with the F chord ( Fm/7 ) so i dont think I ve rushed it :slight_smile:
the songs i wanted to sound nice was : kiss from a rose and losing my religion

so true !
At the end , it must sound nice and pleasing to the ear thats all that matters

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@MacOneill I still keep at least 1 of the recommended ‘module’ songs to apply the techniques taught in the lesson but I don’t practice it "fully’ or memorise it. I might only do the parts with the specific technique in it. I have 2 other songs in each practice routine that I’m trying to get to repertoire standard. Unless I like the song suggested in the module, in which case it goes on the list of songs to work on (eventually). My basic 60 minute core routine is something like

  • 05 mins - repertoire revision
  • 15 mins - JG Module technique exercises
  • 10 mins - JG module song to practice technique
  • 10 mins - working on new song A
  • 10 mins - working on new song B
  • 10 mins - practical music theory

If I have holdovers from previous module exercises I will cut down the music theory time or alternate the theory and holdover exercises between days. I just noodle aimlessly without a structure :grinning:

I found I’m taking about 3-4 weeks to complete Grade 2 lessons, so your 27 days looks OK to me

As long as you are happy with what you are doing, and it works for you, keep on doing it.

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you dont have to memorize it but i d play it fully , its still practice for changing chords and its great to learn to place the particular technique you re working on in the song :slight_smile:

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Day 132 :

Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up and did the stretching exercise

Played on Yousician for 50 minutes

Trained on changing between C and Dm for 5 minutes

I play standing up and each songs are played once with the metronome , once with the backing track :

Played tears in heaven ( training for power chord and strumming )

Played Kiss from a rose by Seal again ( level 4 ) cow boy chords C G F A D AM
played it at 75% of its speed then at 70%

grade 2 in JG :

Trained on wish you were here riff

Trained on Californication riff

Practice on the note finder app for half an hour

Practiced The C major scale

Practiced Open E Minor Pentatonic Scale

I watched the video : Chords In Keys

Practice the F barre chord on the chords trainer (26 in 45 secs )
Practiced the F barre chord in songs : losing my religion by REM
I played the song only at 75% ot its speed

I practiced " One " By U2 on the JG website for 10 minutes


Day 133 :

Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up and did the stretching exercise

Played on Yousician for 36 minutes

Trained on changing between C and Dm for 5 minutes

I play standing up and each songs are played once with the metronome , once with the backing track :

Played tears in heaven ( training for power chord and strumming )

Played Kiss from a rose by Seal again ( level 4 ) cow boy chords C G F A D AM
played it at 70%

grade 2 in JG :

Trained on wish you were here riff

Trained on Californication riff

Practice on the note finder app for half an hour

Practiced The C major scale

Practice the F barre chord on the chords trainer (26 in 45 secs )
Practiced the F barre chord in songs : losing my religion by REM
I played the song only at 75% ot its speed

I practiced " One " By U2 on the JG website for 10 minutes


Day 135 :

Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up and did the pinky exercise twice

Played on Yousician for 63 minutes

Trained on changing between C and Dm for 5 minutes

I play standing up and each songs are played once with the metronome , once with the backing track :

Played tears in heaven ( training for power chord and strumming )

Played Kiss from a rose by Seal again ( level 4 ) cow boy chords C G F A D AM
played it at 70%

I play standing up with the backing track :

Played fields of gold by Sting
Played Sailing by Rod Steward

I played theses songs to get used to my new guitar

grade 2 in JG :

Trained on wish you were here riff

Trained on Californication riff

Practiced Open E Minor Pentatonic Scale

Practiced The C major scale

Practice the F barre chord on the chords trainer (26 in 45 secs )
Practiced the F barre chord in songs : losing my religion by REM
I played the song only at 75% ot its speed

I practiced " One " By U2 on the JG website for 10 minutes

I Indentified what was my main issue on Kiss from a rose : its G to Fm/7
so I will practice a lot G to Fm/7
difficult one cause all the 4 fingers must find its place , no anchor

Start of module 10

Weak Finger G
Easy and already done , thats the only one I ve been using since the beginning :rofl:
I never used the other forms …


My yousician activity for last week :