Mac's learning log

I completely forgot to answer

Wow :smiley: What an artist you are :smiley: Just imagine: You can already paint silently so beautifully and now your are learning to paint loudly, playing guitar :slightly_smiling_face:

Some of you work reminds me a bit of Finnish cartoonist Mauri Kunnas, whose work I love a lot

Teos – Mauri Kunnas

I really like this kind of drawings !
it’s so cute and simple and effective
But since you’re from finland , i’m more an Aku Ankka fan :smiley:

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Oh yes, Aku Ankka is great :slightly_smiling_face:

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Day 16 :
Trained on changing chords for 5 minutes
Trained on stretches and crawling 3 times
Trained on riffs ( Gunn and 7 nations ) for 10 minutes maybe less
Trained on strumming following the metronome for 5 minutes
Played 2 songs on JG app twice module 4
Watched a video of module 4 but Tabs are still a mystery to me yet XD

Finally nailed my yousician song !
( a short extract from wonderful tonight by Clapton )
I ll record it as soon as I can , I’ll finish my job first , I"ll take a few days off then ^^
I’m glad cause it’s a more advanced song with C and G chords
a good exercice !


Yeah, Nice progress !!!

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Yousician sent me an activity report for last week


Not bad :thinking: For some reason I’m glad though that you have spent more time with JG :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I had been checking Yousician reviews on YouTube after your first wrote that you are using it. While it does seem like quite much fun and can surely compliment the early beginner grades for some time still, I think, in the long run, you can learn more here, working with Justin’s videos etc.

I do have to say: You are really disciplined. That’s something that you can be very proud of :sunglasses:

Since I work from home I’ve learned that having a regular schedule helps a lot
I just apply the same theory to my guitar training :smiley:
I don’t know if Ill be able to stick with it when my workload will get tougher around may/june though

I agree with you about JG being better in the long run
That’s why I apply more time here
Yousician is more like a game / training stuff and its going too fast on some lessons
But I paid it for a year so I’ll use it a bit too
Doing a bit of both can’t do me any wrong i guess

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You gave me some good food for thoughts here

hmmm … I may look dedicated because I turned it into a diary
I do it to see where/ when I start to quit and maybe see if it is really because i’m becoming too busy or because I just lose focus

I also tried to understand why JG seems better than Yousician
For me it’s because the lessons turned into grades with exercices and goals to reach are easy to follow
But most of all it s also because of the community here
You do not feel alone !
Learning how to play is a very long journey and having other people along the path is awesome
Here , there is always someone to help or give advices
You can learn from what others already posted
You can show your progress on videos and participate in zoom sessions
many many ressources are available with goals to achieve like maybe participate once in the vintage club or beginners club
i don’t know if i’m vintage enough XD

I don’t want to do things quickly , i want to do it well
there’s no rush


I agree this community is a very important factor making JG unique. Not only when it comes to music, but in general as well. You can check my Learning Log from this year December and you will understand what I mean. I’m still most humbled by all the support I have received.

Vintage Club? Sure the description says +45, but in theory I guess everyone can enroll - not only +45 people like me… Maybe ask from Richard? I don’t think he would say no.

Now I will finish my coffee and play bit still. Je toi souhaite une bonne soirée :coffee:

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Day 17 :
Trained on changing chords for 5 minutes
Trained on strumming on metronome following a pattern for 5 minutes
Trained on Riffs for 10 minutes ( 7 nations and peter gunn )
Trained on finger stretches 3 times
Watched a video from module 4
Started training on new riff ( YEAH Cream !!! )
Played 2 songs from module 4 twice
Trained again on Wonderful tonight on yousician for 10 minutes

Day 18 :

Worked on the Epiphone today for a change
Trained on changing chords for 5 minutes
Trained on finger stretches 3 times
Worked on Cream riff and a bit on 7 nations army for 10 minutes
Tried to figure out why the epi does not work when plugged in the amp for 15 minutes …
Played 2 songs from module 4 twice
Back to the Affinity and played one song module 5 i needed a change ( YEAH Steevie Nicks !!! )

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Day 19 :

Trained on Stretches and crawling 3 times
Trained on changing chords 5 minutes
Played 2 songs from module 4
Trained on Riffs for 3 minutes
Watched 2 videos from module 5
Trained 5 minutes on strumming pattern with the strumming machine
I need to concentrate on this exercice
Played 1 song from module 5
Played 10 minutes on yousician

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Day 20 :

Trained on changing chords for 5 minutes
Trained on riff for 5 minutes
Trained on stretches and crawling 3 times
Trained on the strumming machine for 10 minutes

Did some recording after : ( module 4 )

and what I’m working on on Yousician


Sounds like you are making good, steady progress, Deborah. The chords and strumming sounded clean and in good time. I liked the single note licks in Wonderful Tonight. I wasn’t sure about the timing of the strumming in Wonderful Tonight, I think the vocal through me off a bit.

When playing and sharing for feedback, I’d suggest keeping the tone on the electric to be clean and without any effects. I think that makes it easier to accurately what you are playing.

Keep on keeping on.

I agree. Sounds like you are making good progress :slightly_smiling_face: Like @DavidP said the lick in “Wonderful tonight”, when you played the individual notes, sounded really good. It’s easy to notice that you have
spent a lot of time on this. Is it so in Yousician however that the play-along time ends after less than 1,20 min and they just leave you hanging like this? :astonished:

Thanks !
I buzzed the strings a bit at the start but its because its hard to start the recording and start to play at the same time :confused:
You’re right David i was always a little bit early or a little bit late but so far that’s the best i can do on Yousician with the G and C chords
I just started the C chord on JG so I try to not get too frustrated about it and let it go
I’m too slow on changing chord on G so i stress over it and it throws me off the beat ( just enough to not sound good )
That’s something I need to work in the weeks to come

did i put an effect ? oupsy i ve must have touched something …

@JokuMuu thanks !
Yes on Yousician you do not play the entire song at once but only parts for exercices
First i only had the strumming part then they added the lick on another exercice
I saw there’s another part i can work on on wonderful tonight
I’ll try it !


Maybe, maybe not. Could also just be recording quality and my hearing … I don’t have legend level hearing acuity :grin:

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Well i didnt do anything to make an effect XD

Day 21 :

Watched a video module 5
Trained on strumming machine for 5 minutes ( old faithful ) alterning between E and EM
Trained on changing chords for 5 minutes

thats my open chords chart
I try to play these chords lines in any order
Trained on Riff (Cream ) for 2 minutes
Played 2 songs from module 5 once ( age of seventeen and hometown girl )
Hometown girl is a good song for training on changing chords
Played 10 minutes on yousician


Day 22 :

I was dead tired but I still did my daily training
Trained on changing chords 5 minutes using my chords chart
Trained on riff ( Cream ) 2 minutes
Trained on strumming ( old faithfull in E EM ) for 5 minutes
Played 2 songs on JG once each
Played on Yousician for 15 minutes ( got caught in wonderful tonight and did more than i intended to )


Day 23 :

Trained on changing chords for 5 minutes
Trained on riff ( Cream ) for 2 minutes
Trained on strumming machine ( old faithfull 70 bpm D / Dsus4 ) for 5 minutes
Trained on strumming on songs module 2 twice ( a catastrophe so its gonna be my main focus from now on )
Trained on yousician for 10 minutes
My yousician activity for last week

tomorrow day off

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