Mac's learning log

Wow ! It’s great that you have done so much progress in such a short time. You have such a dedicated practice routine as we can see in your learning log. You’ll enjoy watching those recordings in a few years, it will be great memories. I started to record myself a little later down the line, I wish I had a few videos from my first year :slightly_smiling_face:


I dont know … nobody likes to see old photos of himself … like the ones back at school :joy:

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: aha

Day 261 / 52 weeks streak :

Did the spider as a warm up + 1 of the pinky exercice


Challenge of the week :
God rest ye merry gentlemen / level 3 / basic melody
carol of the balls / Level 4 / cowboy chords

Broken chords ==>
Practiced a song called Playing in the park ( the last part is bloody hard to play ) ==> DONE
Worked on Knowledge : roots and groove : Octaves => Practiced a song called 12 steps

Practiced Careless whisper by George Michael / level 5 / cow boy chords

Practiced on Last christmas by Wham

Working on Losing my religion / level5 / cow boy chords

grade 2 in JG :

Module 11

The F barre chord : a ladder to the sky / level 4 / cow boy chords and Sailing by Rod Steward

The Bm Barre chord : Practiced what’s up by the four non blondes / full speed ==> DONE :partying_face:

Module 12

Practiced power chords

Songs on the Musopia app :

Played Halleluya by Leonard Cohen
once with only beats 1 and 4 and once with 6 beats with a stronger 1 and 4 beat / Full speed

Practiced Careless Whisper by George Michael ( practice for 3 fingers Bm )

Practiced on Last christmas by Wham at full speed ( practice for 3 fingers Bm )

Guitar teacher :

Practice E major arpeggios forward and backward and alternate fingering ( up and down )

Practiced Wish you were here Intro by Pink Floyd

Im interested in this guitar :

With the injury in my left shoulder I cant play acoustic guitar
My shoulder hurt with such big guitars ( and the nerve in my arm follows )
So Im thinking about buying this one , and not only play the electric
It wont be the best of sound for an acoustic but I guess its better than nothing
Too bad they dont have it in the shop so I can t go and try it :confused:

Looks like the sound is great :open_mouth:

Is it the weight of the guitar that hurts? Or does the thicker body make your shoulder bend at a bad angle?

I don’t know what an electro-acoustic is but it looks like a normal acoustic to me. Maybe skinnier? (It looks pretty swish, though! I’d be torn between the black or the red.)

When you dig into the numbers I can see it’s a 3/4 sized acoustic guitar with 22-point-something inch scale length. Another guitar of this sort of size would be a Baby Taylor.

They are more money than the Yam and the cheapest of them doesn’t have an electric pickup, you need a variant with an ‘e’ in for electronics. So they may be over budget but just sharing an alternative just in case

Yup thats it
You have to push back the shoulder and it hurts
on the electric my arm / shoulder almost does not move

its an acoustic with a pre amp :slight_smile:

Yes thats the other option
The little Martin too
The APX is know for its thin body , So I think the other 2 would still be bigger than the apx

Not sold around here so I cant compare :confused:

Just been having a look online and you are right, from what I can tell the Yam is about 6.5cm in depth and the Taylor is about 8.5cm which is a smidge thinner than the little Taylor than I play, approx 9cm (which is still slim as acoustics go)

The thin body is attractive to me since my arm cant dwell with the depth of an acoustic

the normal APX has a thinner body but the guitar shape stays big so the shoulder still has to be pushed back … I guess the APXT is my only option

Happy holidays / Merry christmas to you all folks !!!


Merry Christmas to you too :blush:

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Merry Christmas :christmas_tree: :sparkles:

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Merry Christmas, Deborah!

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Even today I practiced :smiley: ( and did my laundry )

Day 262 / 52 weeks streak :

Played the Am pentatonic scale and the C major scale as a warm up + 1 of the pinky exercice
Trying to name out loud the notes on the neck while playing the Am pentatonic scale
Learning the Pattern 1 of the G Major Scale and the E majord scale



Challenge of the week :
God rest ye merry gentlemen / level 3 / basic melody
carol of the balls / Level 4 / cowboy chords

Worked on Knowledge : roots and groove : Octaves => Practiced a song called 12 steps

Practiced on Little lies and Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac / level 5 / cowboy chords

Working on Losing my religion level5 / cow boy chords

Practiced drills for fingerstyle forward ( Am / C and G / EM ) and backward ( Am / C and G / EM )) and forward Arpeggio up and down

grade 2 in JG :

Module 11

Practiced fingerstyle : happy Birthday riff with 2 fingers

The F barre chord : Sailing by Rod Steward

The Bm Barre chord : Practiced on Karma police a bit , I need to find a new easy song with a Bm

Practice Folk fingerstyle patterns part 1 ( on the JG website )


module 12

Practiced power chords

Songs on the Musopia app :

Played Halleluya by Leonard Cohen fingerstyle at 91 bpm / 102 bpm
tough tonight … plenty of mistakes

Practiced Careless Whisper by George Michael ( practice for 3 fingers Bm )

Practiced on Last christmas by Wham at full speed ( practice for 3 fingers Bm )

Guitar teacher :

Practice E major arpeggios
forward / backward and alternate fingering ( up and down )

Practiced Wish you were here Intro

Practiced fingerstyle exercices + ragtime

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