Major Scale Intervals Worksheet

Now it's time to revise and test all the intervals we've checked out thus far.

View the full lesson at Major Scale Intervals Worksheet | JustinGuitar

Everything correct at the test. Did it in my head.

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why are we counting the note circle this time all in semitones when before when looking at the major scales we used TTSTTTS? It works out exactly the same. It seems like we are unnecessarily making it more complicated, or I am missing something?

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Hello @Lasher and welcome to the community.
The Note Circle contains all notes.

If you are seeking intervals from varying start notes you need to have at your disposal the note circle so you can find your starting position and count the required interval to your target note. And the note circle must be shown with semitones otherwise some notes would be omitted.
I hope that make sense.

and major and minor are paired as are perfects and diminished while augmented applies universally?

Could you please rephrase your question? What you you mean by “major and minor are paired as are perfects and diminished”?

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meaning a major is the STANDARD and if we change it for a given scale it becomes minor NOT diminished (in name only) therefore major and minors are paired or grouped together for the same sets of notes; the 2, 3, 6 and 7’s exclusively so if we diminish a 2nd or move one direction counter clockwise from the STANDARD it is called a minor and so on…