Major Scale Pattern 1 Lesson on JustinGuitar

Hi Richard, thx for answering this. I do get this but my main confusion is: why call it an E shape? I think you can play every scale except for the E scale if you want to stick below the 12th fret with the root note, or do I see this wrong?

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@Luc67 it is called the E shape because like the open E chord
the root notes are on the 2 E strings and the D string.
This is where all the CAGED shapes get their names.
The C shape has the root notes on the A and B strings just
like the open C chord and so on with all the shapes


You are getting yourself tied up in knots for no reason. Sorry, but it kind of seems like you’re trying to run before learning to walk. I don’t mean to sound harsh, but let’s break this down.

Everything is explained in the videos and in text. Take each lesson in turn, take notes as you go if needed. This will be of more help than any of us can provide. It’s not a case of showing you a shape, calling it the E shape, get on with it, Justin goes to great lengths to explain as best he can the how and why.

Try to forget what you are thinking and start from the beginning. Pattern 1 of the Major Scale is known as the E shape because the E Major chord shape is built around that particular scale shape. The most obvious way is using a barre chord which is movable just as the scale shape is. You should try and see from the chord and scale diagrams the similarity. Where the chord tones lie in that scale shape and hear how they link.

For instance, play a G Major barre chord using the E shape, then play the G Major scale from the 6th string, then play the chord again. Anything past this point is useless until you understand this first position.

I sincerely hope this helps and I was not too hard on you.


No worries, I understand what you mean. Only, I know about barred chords, know scales and how chords are build. I studied the Quinten circle, but it is just that name that came in conflict with what I have learned or at least, I thaught so. The simple answer came from stitch, I do not have to focus on the form as if it was the E major scale, it is just because the position of the root notes are on the same strings as with a E chord. I need to look with this keeping in mind to understand it. I shouldn’t compare those patterns with the ‘real scale forms’. I mix up with caged scales as explained in a book by jason sidewell and jamie dickson where they refer to the actual scale forms to play those scales. The E shape they use is different from the E pattern found here… Too much information can be confusing :slightly_smiling_face:

Thx for the time you all spend on this.

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@Luc67 I’d be interested in what the patterns in this Book by Jason Sidewell look like.
The patterns that Justin teaches are the Majors Scale Patterns of the CAGED System.
If this book is teaching you different Major Scale Patterns using the CAGED System
then the Book is WRONG.

There are two ways scales are laid out on the Fret Board. The CAGED System which
Justin Teaches with 5 pattern named after the open chords C A G E D hence the name
and 3NPS(3 notes per string) with has 7 patterns.

Is the Book teaching the minor pentatonic scale and note the Major Scale?
This would be the only way the patterns would be different.

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See if these help:

And at the open position, below the D-shape full pattern, there exists a partial E-shape pattern.
Note the the full E-shape pattern based around root notes at fret 12 dups down below fret 12 also - notes that are not available in the lower position as you can’t play notes lower than an open string on that string.
But compare them and see how they are the same.

Cheers :+1:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide & Moderator


I am not sure how to post pics here, i just took some and via the link below you can see them. It is a dutch translation btw. You will see they use other forms to play those scales. I guess it is a different approach, they use the guitar boxes different too, the first string is below and the fret side is on the right.
What they do is not wrong, it is different.

Scales - Album on Imgur

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@Richard_close2u ,thx for the huge trouble you take. It makes things a lot more clear.
As you mention you can not play notes lower than the open string, leaving the lowest E scale a bit incomplete played with pattern 1. (lowest G# is missing) As I notice now it is just a matter of using another pattern of it suits better. I took some trouble in noting some guitar diagrams to further explain what was my confusion. As you can see in the lower box on the right the pattern 1 is basically a mixture of 2 shapes used in this other caged system I have learned. (G and E) In this system they call the E shape the form the one you find in the 4th box, it starts with the lowest E note. There is the follow up of CAGED, major or minor, both exist.
In this book I mentioned they do not use those patterns of Justin anywhere, so this was new for me, but when you start looking for it, it is all over the internet. Well I subscribed to Justin to learn, and I do, didn’t expect my simple question would create some controverse(maybe not the correct word, i do not know a better one in English)

Edit: link included

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@Luc67 Thanks for noting those patterns from the other source.
It helps to understand why you were confused.
My advice - close that book, put it on a shelf, leave it there.

Major and minor scales do not have different patterns.
That is a glaring anti-convention being taught by that resource.

Stick with Justin.
And, crucially, stick with one pattern and one pattern only until you know it inside out, back to front, without looking or thinking and you can use it to create and improvise and play simple melodies and improvised play over backing tracks.
See here: When NOT To Learn Scales... |

Cheers :+1:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide & Moderator


Totally agree. I’m sorry and surprised that Jason has presented it in this way because he is a fine player and teacher in many issues of Guitar Techniques magazine.

As I said earlier forget what you’ve read, start from scratch right here right now. The method Justin uses is a far more common way to present this subject and presented in a way far easier to understand. I can’t encourage you enough to follow Richards advice. If you stick with it I guarantee you will make great progess.

Good luck and never be afraid to ask questions :grinning:

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Well, I think the book will serve as a decorative thing, it had a good looking cover😁
I guess there are many ways to approach this, but since i described to Justin, i will follow his way, and stick to it. It is no use try to learn every possible approach and ending up with mastering nothing.
Thx for your time to all of you.



@Luc67 it not Justin’s way. The CAGED system is how a guitar
fretboard is laid out. He is just teaches what is a fact and time
What is in that magazine is not the CAGED system.
It is someone’s idea to try and sell magazines.

You did make a good decision to stick with Justin


Keep us posted on how you get on dude. As you can tell a lot of us care about each others progress and problems and that helps us in our journey too.

Take care Bro

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Hi Dave,

Knowing myself a little bit, a stop in learning extra things and make time in practicing the things I have learned so far. I think it could be a good idea to practice this first pattern by just improvise a bit on some backtracks, by finding some G major backtracks and then try it in another major key. Meanwhile I found the U2 song ‘one’ that I would like to learn. It suprised me that the whole song is build on a -dear I say it- rather easy chord progress, and would like to be able to play it in a way it touches me. So, a pause in new chords, but try to use what i have seen so far in a way it gets comfortable, maybe look for a few more songs…
Thx for your interest.

But I wonder, Justin is for learning, you guys seems to know a lot already, I guess not every one is a moderator. So, how comes you ppl are on this community, is it advanced learning or mainly interest?


JustinGuitar isn’t just for Beginners. He has loads of advanced lesson and lesson on Technique
and Theory
Learning Guitar is a life long quest. I’ve been playing for over 45 years and have learnt a lot
from Justin. Mostly theory and fixed bad habits that I picked up along my journey.
It’s also nice to pass on knowledge and help others to learn.


For many of us we started with Justin as beginners or some more like begin againers. Starting at the bottom and working our way up. Getting to or passing intermediate level and still finding Justin has more advanced techniques in his teaching locker, more lessons covering a whole range of genres.

When I first started with a handful of chords and suitcase of bad habits, people like Stitch helped me out and got me on track, supported and nurtured me by making sure I perhaps did not make the same mistakes and filed the gaps in my knowledge and technique.

I have tried to do that for for folks who have stepped on the road behind me, so I can show them where the potholes are that I fell down. Justin calls it paying it forward.

So we are not only still learning, lets face it you never stop, even the folks we look up to as icons but we are helping the next generation of guitarists and that generation could be anyone from 16 to 76.

That is what the Community is about, learning and support regardless of level. Contribution, support and friendship. Not doing it in an elitist condescending way like so many other guitar forums.



I think you are spot on. Playing scales up and down is good for building technique, but that is pointless if you can’t make music from it. Imrovising is not only fun, it improves your musical ear and also embeds the scale shape into your memory.

I am what you would call a begain againer as Toby put it. I realised my knowledge outweighed my actual skills after years of not playing. After hearing Justin give lessons on the radio in the UK I was so impressed by his teaching style I decided to pick it up again. I have gone and still go through the same struggles everyone does, so I do what I can to help fellow students.


Also @Luc67 I notice this thread is in the Music Theory section. Assumption is the mother of all **** ups, so just asking if you are following along with this part of the course.Major Scale Pattern 1, Major Scale Maestro 1

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Well, i did stumble on it at the theory course that I am following. I have not seen it yet in the other lessons, i guess that will be a bit further in the course.
For now i am happy following practical lessons via Justin in the evening, did subscribe to the tabs to follow some songs. But a lot of times i wake up rather early, unable to sleep anymore, then I like to follow the theory course. Far better than reading all the terrible news. For some reason i get a 404 if i use the link you put in the message. I will try it when i am at the pc instead of this smartphone.

Grtz, Luc

Edit: corrected some autotext my phone generates…

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Thanks for clarifying, and does explain a lot. The Major Scale Maestro actually begins in grade 4 which is Intermediate level. So you could ask yourself are you ready for that yet? I’m not saying you’re not, only you have the answer to that as you are in control of your learning destiny.

Some people follow the courses in order, some people cherry pick bits throughout the course depending on what they’d like to learn. If you are set on looking at the Major Scale, then the modules in Grade 4 will make things so clear you will wonder what all the fuss was about :smile:

Good luck, Dave

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