Thanks for the tips. the lessons I’ve been working on since Dec are on truefire. I am currently in “Learn Guitar 2” over there. Working on a module now that introduced the “baby F” chord and basic arpeggios. Just working on getting smoother and faster on a version of “House of the Rising Sun”.
The lessons there have had a great progression for me. They got me started better and faster than anything I’ve tried previously. But I have certainly learned that there are gaps with most people’s teaching and that not all instructors are created equally. I tried one online intro lesson once where the instructor introduced 2 chords and then said, “in the files attached to this lesson I have included a list of songs that use the two chords you just learned”. So I go look at those materials and there is a list and it says which chords each song uses, but there is nothing else. Not even a chord sheet with the lyrics. No word on how to use this info. Assumption in the lesson is that this is week 1 material starting from 0 with music. I looked up the songs elsewhere and nothing even matched the chords in the materials. Even if I used transposition tools to shift the pitch. Sigh.
Anyway. All that to say that I’ve been working through these fairly slowly for awhile. I’ve played quite a few songs…some of which I continue to play. The ones that have worked best for me use really detailed notation that I love. And I typically get to a point where I can play them from memory. But to this point, nothing there has really addressed chord sheets, which I am seeing right now as the biggest gap in what I have learned so far.
I have decided to also work through the lessons here, spending more time on things that JG teaches a little differently or especially that I haven’t done before. The 1 minute chord change exercise was new to me. So I worked on that using the A and D chords to see where I was. I did 78 changes per min on my first go, and I liked the exercise. So I’ll be using it with the other chords I know, too.
It’s good to hear that JG’s lessons do cover material that is maybe more specifically applicable to using song sheets. I’ve worked on a few different strumming patterns that seemed to me to be rhythms specific to the songs I was playing at the time. but not the one referred to as “Old faithful”.
I’m no stranger to some basic theory anyway, but most of it was long ago. I have been holding off on diving into it more because a lot of what I’ve seen discussed online so far is well past the stuff I’m wanting to mess with.