I was wondering whether to post a log here, but… it might serve as a kind of impulse for me, helping me find more time and opportunities for discussion 
So, to begin with: I started learning with YouSician, completed two levels, and began the third, but I wasn’t satisfied. I stumbled upon Justin’s channel on YouTube, found this website, and his app. Currently, I’m working with the app, starting from the beginning - it can’t hurt!
Initially, I was learning only on an electric guitar; later, I bought an acoustic guitar as well, and strangely enough, it became my favorite. Now I use a pick, but in the future, I also want to learn also fingerstyle.
My gear
- Furch Blue Deluxe Gc-SW
- Eastman SB59/v Antique Goldburst
- Harley Benton TUBE15 Celestion
Yes, the guitars are expensive for a beginner, but they’re meant to give me pleasure just by looking at them, so that I feel like picking them up whenever I have a moment. So far, it seems to work
And… I tend to get attached to things.
I have two leather straps—one from Furch and one from a Polish craftsman—but I’m not a fan of them. They’re too thick, too stiff. I’m looking for others that are softer and more comfortable. I’m considering the Ernie Ball E-Guitar Strap Leather.
Finally, sorry for my English 
I hope you ll find a learning method that works for you 
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Hi Marcin ,
Good for you, it’s probably fun to look back on this later and so on
, especially if you post beginning videos of songs or parts of it or what ever
Keep it neat… keep it clean… keep it structured and above all… Oooo no ,look who’s saying it
… just kidding… Keep it fun 
Wow nice guitars
… there is never an apology or explanation needed here for nice guitars
for any level of player… buy the best you can afford and what makes you happy… 
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Welcome, definitely no need to justify nice guitars as a beginner. I’ve spent way too much on nice guitars for my current level of playing also!
With regards to straps, in my experience it depends on each guitar as what is the right strap for them. For example, the electric guitar I’m playing with most at the moment needs a decent and wide leather strap to overcome some neck dive with it. I tried one of my narrower, smoother straps with it and it wasn’t good!
I always thought electric guitar was the one for me as well but it was when I bought an acoustic guitar that things changed for me, similar to you really. After a year or so of playing nothing but acoustic guitar, I’m now splitting my time roughly 50:50 between them. In my case I have moved onto Yousician specifically for my electric guitar practice but fair enough if it wasn’t right for you. I continue to practice my acoustic guitar alongside original recordings instead
Welcome Brother,
I started at the beginning with Justin even though I knew (or thought I knew) a lot already. I found it a solid use of time even though some was repeat. I think one of the best things about Justin’s course is the encouragement along the way. The Community is also great for the same.
Don’t be worried about the cost of your guitars, beginner or not everyone makes their own choices and some legends are playing with entry level guitars (with proper set up though).
Enjoy the journey!
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Hi Marcin, it is good to start a learning log early. I wish I had started one earlier. You have some nice guitars. As others have said, there is no need for apologies. A good guitar can be a joy forever, while a cheap guitar can sometimes be a source of frustration. You look like you have nice guitars to practice on that make you want to play. Have fun learning songs with Justin’s lessons. Also, your English is actually good.
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Hello again Marcin!
Wow! Beautiful guitars… especially the Furch! No wonder you’re leaning towards acoustic!
Your English is very good, easy to understand what you’re saying - as a matter of fact, I’d say better than many people whose native language is English!!! 
If you prefer leather straps, I have a PRS Signature Buffalo strap that’s very soft & comfortable…

Mine is the light tan one & I use it a lot… highly recommend it! Also, I don’t own one but have seen a couple of Levy’s brand leather guitar straps… they seem really nice also!
Good luck finding one you really like!
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— Eh, I posted the new entry as a reply – deleted
there’s nothing worth looking at, so scram! 
Maybe I’ll order a few from Thomann and keep only two that suit me perfectly
I’ll order a few leather ones and a few fabric ones.
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Nothing interesting today. I started module 2 from grade 1. Meanwhile, in an Android app, I’m trying to achieve 60 chord changes of D and A per minute in “one minute change”
So far, I have about 30 changes… so it’s rather slow 
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