Mati 👋 from Pakistan here’s my introduction

For two years, I struggled with learning guitar. I didn’t know where to start or how to learn properly, so I ended up picking up a lot of bad habits along the way. I explored everything on my own ”strumming, Fingerstyle, even analyzing small details like how my knuckles moved. I was trying to understand the instrument deeply, but I still felt lost.

One day, an old friend asked me, How good are you at guitar? I confidently replied, I know where I am, and ll get better.But deep down, I knew I was stuck. I didn’t really know how to play, and to make things worse, the people around me weren’t supportive. They criticized me a lot, which made things even harder.

Despite all that, I didn’t give up. And now, Im finally on the right path, learning from Justin Guitar and making real progress. For the first time, I feel happy and confident in my journey.:anatomical_heart:


Welcome to the forum Mati


Hi Mati,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:



Hi Mati, we’ve already “met”, but now I can officially welcome you! Keep having fun learning guitar - ultimately that’s what matters.


Welcome to the forum, Mati!


Good to here this Mati !!

I spent 17 years going around is circles before eventually finding Justin and those comments sum up how I felt after just a few weeks into the old, very old Beginner Course,
Now you have found it, milk it for all its worth !!

And never be afraid to ask if unsure of anything.



Hi Mati, welcome to the community forum.


Yes i know that feeling but you are here now so stick at and don’t give in nice to meet you Mati cheers Hec

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Hello Mati & Welcome!

This :point_up_2:!

Don’t give up & keep a positive attitude - especially if people around you have a negative influence. If you are happy learning & playing guitar, keep going & make sure to keep it lots of fun! The more fun you have playing, the more you want to play & practice! The more you play, the better you get & the more fun it is!!! Along the way, many of the people who don’t think you’re good will stop criticizing & start clapping!!! I look forward to hearing your music, Mati!!!

Tod from New Mexico, USA


Khush Amadeed Mati

I really cannot understand why anyone would insult someone else’s musical attempts (having been on the receiving end of that, for most of my life, while they were laughing at their, feeling very superior, joke (eg, “don’t give up your day job”) I was feeling beat down. Finally I just started telling folks that if they didn’t have anything constructive to say, to keep their thoughts to themselves—they honestly didn’t think that it was a hurtful thing to say, and stopped saying it. Wish I’d spoken up sooner.

SOOOooo, congratulations @matimusic for sticking with it when the external pressures were telling you to bin it! That is very impressive.
I’m looking forward to your post to JustinGuitar—should you decide you’d like to—of you playing a song of your choice.

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Welcome, Mati.

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This is a good place to learn with a solid approach for us beginners who need some one to help us learn. Not only is that really fantastic, but also the forums and the people are suportive and that is what make this a communty. So when you add them both togeather its really amazing what Justin, the staff as well as the long term vets have put togeather.


:wave: hay, thanks a lot! That really means a lot to me. ll definitely think about posting something on JustinGuitar. Appreciate the encouragement!

Hi Mati, welcome. Good you didn’t give up. Good also you found Justin Guitar. A very good guitar method as Justin’s one is and your eagerness to learn to play the guitar will do it. Have fun.

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Welcome Mati. Keep up the journey. There will be things you get right away and some that will take time. I’ve been working on thumb and Finger strumming for two months and am just now getting it to where I am good at it. Don’t give up and do the course in order, ask questions and post your progress.

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