Maybe get a blister on his finger

I’ve been putting some serious time in trying to learn a couple of solos. And now this:

Looks like I’ll be giving practice a rest for a few days.

(And I know it was “little finger” and this is my ring finger but, hey, artistic licence)




At least yur thumb is ok…

I did that gardening last weekend. All better by Monday! Although mine was not quite as central to playing as that looks. Now you need to figure out how to play something without that finger.

I’m actually taking a break after 90 minutes working on two songs. What solos were you doing that caused that?

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oh dang :scream:
Been close to that several times.

It is the only thing I find very frustrating about this guitar journey, I want to play much more than my fingers can take. Even my picking hand almost got blisters few times also, especially the thumb. So frustrating.

@Majik could be worse you could be installing microwave ovens and custom kitchens deliveries :tired_face:


Living on a Prayer and Wind of Change (Scorpions)

Also Zombie ((Cranberries) but that’s more sliding double-stops.

It was for a local jam group that I did last night in a studio in Geylang. It was good fun, but I now need to rest my fingers. I actually have a blister on my naughty finger too, although not as bad.

I blame the fact I’ve been swimming 20 mins almost every day making my skin soft




I should learn to play the guitar… :roll_eyes:


Today, after 2 hours of playing water polo for the first time ever (which I spent about 20 mins total playing, and the rest of the time at the side recovering and questioning my life choices) and one of the blisters has decided to burst.

Rock n Roll!





Oh god, my rowing machine is waiting for me in the basement today, after a “few weeks” of neglect. I hope I’ll survive! :slight_smile:

Cool solos though, should be worth a blister or two!

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