@roger_holland You do make me laugh, meneer
Thank you and hello to Mrs. Roger
@MiJoy You were drinking beers as a kid? Rock ‘n’ roll!
Good to see you passing on to the new generations
@tony cheers mate. Not nearly as sceptical as I was when embarking on this quiest!
@oldhead49 Much appreciated, Dave. I’ve been enjoying your increased presence around the new community
@DarrellW First of all, thanks for the thumbs up
Regarding Daphne, well she’s going through a bit of a crisis and is aging faster than she was expecting. She’s already greying…
She’s spent too long in the sun and is planning on getting some edgy ink tattoos. She’s talking about gender transition and is demanding I call her, or rather him, Icarus
@batwoman the blathering or the performance?
@jkahn It’s far from obscure, you’re just young!
OM will have to be something simple, but I’d be surprised if anyone will have heard the one I have in mind. (It means folk might think it’s supposed to sound like that )
@direvus Cheers, Brendan.
I used to struggle a lot with phrasing vocals while playing, esp. if they didn’t coincide with at least the first beat of every bar, but like with most things guitar, it becomes much easier the more you do it.
Ta for the genitive pick-up. I love those kind of details
@SgtColon Ah yes Stefan, I did allude to the fact that it was over-ripe cheese, but in the right frame of mind, those moments can be transcendental too
The difficulty after stripping back, is always to see if there’s a way of making it interesting again
@sairfingers Oi! What’s this? I dedicate a song to my Border-Tour-Buddy and he screws the ant?
Haha, good pickup. How did that happen? I don’t even read!
Many thanks for your generous comments, though. I love reading through all these, feeling my head swell, until I remember everyone else only says the good stuff